Wednesday, February 02, 2011



I was notified by a fellow resident today that former mayor Janet Forman has turned to the Mullica News Facebook page to try to hide the benefits of Mullica Tax Force from the rest of the taxpayers. This is ironic. Mullica News had developed a good reputation for delivering updated information about what goes on around Mullica, and even began taping committee meetings for replay on the internet. When Forman was named mayor in 2009, Mullica News ran a poll that asked respondents if they approved or disapproved of Forman as mayor. The poll overwhelmingly showed that Forman was a very, VERY unpopular selection for Mayor. I suspect that some of that sentiment stemmed from her destruction of wetlands on her Sweetwater property. Most residents of Sweetwater are appreciative of the benefits that the river offers and are protective of the natural environment. Forman was aided in her efforts by building permits issued by her political lackey, code enforcement officer Tom Sandman, after permits had been denied due to wetlands infringements by former code enforcement officer and current committeeman Anthony Gabris. Forman was involved in the termination of Gabris after the permits were denied.

In the wake of the poll by Mullica News, Forman said that she thought that Mullica News was a good site at one point but changed her mind. So now Forman is "using" the Mullica News Facebook page to spread her hate?

Forman remains an example of all that is wrong with local government. She used her position to terminate an employee who didn't give in to her wishes. She has looked the other way on the corrupt hiring of a township attorney who directed $2,000 to the campaign of a political ally. And she continues to play puppet master by trying to impact public policy from behind the shadows.

The final straw is Forman's hypocrisy. She complained about property taxes, and now, facing what could be the biggest municipal tax increase in Mullica's history, she has taken to making excuses for her puppet, Jim Brown. Shameful and disgusting.

Former Committeeperson Michael St. Amour


Anonymous said...

Forman needs to start her own blog.

Anonymous said...

I just read the Mullica News. There's something terribly wrong with that woman.

Lou said...

To 3:04 pm
I totally agree with your observation

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Forman states "I attend all meetings and the 'former Mayor's new website' is so far from accurate that I had to post here" and goes on to say that Mrs. Vitale's statement about "rich republicans from Sweetwater" give her a chuckle, yet it comes out later that Mrs. Vitale said "rich republican landowners on the pike", so which is accurate, Mrs. Forman? You only hear what you want to hear. Not the first time, won't be the last.

For the record, the "No Dump" group stopped the dump. Their constant pressure put an end to that, no matter what promises Chasey made to the county. Chasey's phony award to Levinson was bullshit, you know it. Chasey would have had us up to our asses in garbage by now, giggling all the way to the bank.

And please stop with the constant whining about people being jealous. NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF YOU. The mad ravings of a lunatic is all we are reading. Someone in such a hurry to type in their nasty comments, spelling and grammar be damned. For once, have some dignity and stop with all the denial. Funny how Chasey lets you be the mouthpiece and she just sits back keeping herself squeaky clean, isn't it? Who's playing who there?

So fill the meetings with your shills, guffaw all you want, it'll all come out in the end. Your true colors will shine through.

JoAnn said...

Re 5:38 pm
For the record,I asked Mayor Brown if he had any plans for the rich republicans on the "Pike" and the Devonshire Inn.
The hiring of the Chairman of the County Republican Club to be our solicitor,who also belongs to the Nehmad law firm,should start warning bells off in everyone's head. They are very expensive land use and real estate development lawyers.
The $2000 that the County Republican Club gave to Brown should give everyone an idea of who he has his allegiances with.

I do not want to see the Elwood Village rezoned for dense development or see a halfway house at the Devonshire Inn in the future.
Mrs Forman has yet again tried to put misinformation out to the public. You can get a CD of the meeting at the Town Hall. You'll be able to hear all the laughter from Brown's people. The disrespect of the crowd and the lack of any effort of control by Brown was shocking.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't think that Mayor Brown has plans to rezone Elwood Village. That being said, I think that it was very naive of him to take $2,000 from the Republican County political machine, the same group that tried to force both a regional dump and then, when that failed, a 120-unit low-cost housing development on us.
Remember when Republican Freeholder Chair Joe Silapena told the then Mullica Republican Coommittee not to make waves because the dump "was a done deal"? At that time we also had a Republican Solicitor, Tim Maguire, seemingly running the show, who I think was the Treasurer of the County Republicans at the time.
And also Republican Freeholder Jim Curcio as municipal proscutor, who dragged his heals enforcing the fines against Steve Waszen.
Money opens doors. Alot of money opens more doors and buys influence. When someone wants Jim Brown's ear, who do you think will get it? And will he have the fortitude to tell them to take a hike if what they want goes against his beliefs ansd the greater wishes of the community?

JoAnn said...

re 8:22 pm
I hope your right about Brown.
When I asked him the first time about rezoning the Elwood Village,he said he has no intention of even looking at the Elwood Village "right now". He told me to go ask the zoning & planning board. He has the power to appoint new members to that board in the future. That fact should be remembered.
I went on to describe the outside forces he was surrounding himself with. I remembered the names of people associated with Steve Waszen's development.
At the end of our conversation,I asked him again about his intentions for rezoning the Village. He stated that he has no intention of doing anything with it. I asked him if he was going to leave it the way it is and he said yes.
While the economy would likely stall any development plans for years,a quiet paper restructuring of the Village now could lead us into disaster in the future.

It was only a few months ago that the owner of the Devonshire Inn wanted the planning board to approve a halfway house at that location. Our board denied the request based in part that the Inn was in the forest zone and showed no benefit to the forest or the surrounding people.

As you stated, money buys influence. He has put himself in the uncomfortable position of being indebted to the county people. We can hope that he will keep his word and put Mullica's welfare ahead of the deep pocket contributors.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what that lying sack of crap wrote on Mullica News. I lived through the nightmare of the Rail Station controversy. Forman must think that we all forgot the betrayal we felt as citizens by our own government.
She really went over the line making false statements about a private citizen.
If this delusional nut is the power behind the Brown throne,we are all in deep trouble.

JoAnn said...

I would just like to say that Mr. St Amour did not disrupt the meeting. He asked his questions during the public discussion part of the meeting. He kept his voice low and calm during all of his questions. Mayor Brown was the one that got loud and defensive and heckled St Amour with names and insults while the crowd laughed.
Was it "rude" of him to ask about large political contributions? I think it was a very legitimate question under the circumstances.
It was extremely disappointing to see the decorum of our past civilized meetings disappear right before my eyes.

Anonymous said...

8:22pm post
And who was involved in trying to put 120 housing units on 20 acres in Mullica? None other than Republican State Assemblyman, and architect by trade, Vince Polistina, who is now running for State Senate against Senator Jim Whelan. Lose Whelan and we're really screwed. The community will have absolutley no one at the state level to turn to for support like the residents did when the dump was a Republican "done deal". You can kiss rural Mullica good-bye.

Anonymous said...

She will never open her own blog because she won't be able to be her nasty ass self on it, so what is the point? It must be hard for her to keep her hatred and true self in control. She watches the old committee meetings (which haven't been recorded since she was mayor), who would do that? A narcissist is who would do that. Poor Mrs. Forman, retired from politics (her words), but goes to every meeting to heckle. Sad.

Anonymous said...

She can call her new site "Grandiose Delusions"

Anonymous said...

Whatever Jim Brown wants or doesn't want for Mullica, there are definite political plans in the works to rezone Elwood from a Pinelands Village designation to a Pinelands Town, like Egg Harbor City. This will destroy the rural character of our community and Mullica's voters will have no one to blame but themselves for putting their community into this dire predicament. You would think that they would have learned something from the dump fiasco but they keep voting the same culprits back in. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Anonymous said...

Forman's sick obsession with St. Amour has reached new levels with her public postings. Who knows what she's doing privately. If I were St. Amour, I would start considering getting a restraining order. If his 'phony site' is so full of lies and half-truths, what is she so worried about?

Anonymous said...

having fun? u all keep writing to urselves I believe this might be some kind of new menta£illness! and if sking folks to come to a meeting on a public blog is a hate post and obsessive then the gadfly is a terrorist site. the only person obsessed is mikey. obsessed w power and upset that he aint nobody!

Anonymous said...

Re 8:34 pm
She watches the old committee meetings!!! That was a crazy thing to admit in writing. Goes to show you how wacky and obsessed she really is.
I just can't see myself saying"Oh,I have a spare hour,I'll just go relax with a 2009 committee meeting video". She's really over the edge.

Anonymous said...

RE 7:32 am
I heard that Vince Polistina was at Brown's Reorg. meeting. It looks like all the characters from the past are being put into position for the future.
I get this creepy feeling that that troops are being lined up and will soon be marching through Mullica.

Anonymous said...

11:22 weighs in, wonder who wrote that? It wasn't asking people to come to the meeting that made it a "hate post" or "obsessive", I think St. Amour asked people to come to the meeting on his site and on Facebook. It was all the nasty, in-between comments left about other people that made it so "crazy". See, your posting here shows how obsessed, crazy and over the top you really are. Nice of Kathy to catch your back on a different rant, but not on the Mullica News Facebook page. She's smooth...ABSOLUTELY.

Anonymous said...

Re 11:22 am
You know,crazy lady,I agree with you on one point. We do need to get cameras back into the meetings. Then all of us could watch the new 2011 videos of you making an ass out of yourself.
I would enjoy watching the new red neck comedy show that's come to town.

Anonymous said...

You're right! We need cameras in that room more then ever before. These new jokers need some kind of accountability for their actions. Even if they fake respect for citizens on film,it's better than no order at all.

Anonymous said...

There's a new article on
It's very informative about the Elwood Village rezoning that some of you have talked about here.
I think Mike is doing a great job trying to keep us informed.

Anonymous said...

Re 3:54 pm
Where is Chasey? Nobody mentioned her being at the meetings.

Anonymous said...

re: 9:02 PM. Why should Chasey go to meetings when she has her pitbull Janet Forman there to do her barking for her?

Anonymous said...

Can somebody confirm if Chasey is the president of the Mullica
Republican Club and the Republican Municipal Chairperson? What is Forman? Is she anything?

Anonymous said...

re 8:05 pm
I just read the new Force article.It was very good. Thanks
I also went through the Facebook posts on Mullica News. Forman is an evil,nasty liar. Everything that Lou said was right on the money and she couldn't defend any of it so she attacked him personally with total bullshit. This woman is dangerous. I can't believe the hatred she has for Mike! I see why she's so jealous of him. He's really quite intelligent and knows how to explain things. Forman wants everything from the past to be blocked out so they can pull their crap again. It makes me sick and disgusted reading about how Brown is handling everything.If he's listening to this wacko and Chasey,we are going to have big problems in this town.

Anonymous said...

Comparing Janet Forman to a pitbull is wrong!!! I think an apology is in order. What an insult to pitbulls everywhere!!!!

Anonymous said...

RE 9:02 pm
Maybe Chasey doesn't want to be seen in public with Forman anymore. She's becoming more of a liability for the republicans everyday. They have no control over her stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Re 9:02 pm
Chasey's too busy writing up Brown's orders for the year and taking phone calls from the county big wigs.

Anonymous said...

Re 10:11 pm
I don't know what Chasey is right now but Forman is nobody.
She wrote that she retired from politics but her nose,mouth and fingers are still very active.She wrote that she's at all the committee meetings.It looks like the only reason she didn't run again was because of all the provable bad stuff that could be used against her.
Her giant narcissistic ego couldn't stand the chance of defeat and yet she has the nerve to call other people ball-less.

Right now,it looks like she's trying to push all her old agendas by manipulating Brown. Her only power comfort is to watch old videos of when she was the patsy payback mayor voted in by Chasey and Kennedy. That is really bizarre behavior!

Anonymous said...

I just read a new article on the
It's about our police force and the different options for the budget.
I really like that information is being given out to the public about what hard choices have to be made.
I hope that Mayor Brown is following the tax force page. He doesn't have any government experience and these thoughts might really help him.