Friday, January 14, 2011

New website about Mullica

It has come to my attention that our last Mayor, Michael St.Amour, has started a website listed as The readers and posters of the Gadfly have always been involved in our community,I am sure that this new site will definitely shed light on many issues of our township government that should be of interest to all of our citizens.


Anonymous said...

I just read the first post. This is going to be a powerful tool in getting the information out to the public.
$32,000 wasted at the very first meeting. When Jim Brown promised that he would get a dollar's worth of service for every dollar spent,I thought he was speaking about service for the people,not the Republican Club.

Anonymous said...

Tremendous gratitude is owed to Mike St.Amour for stepping up to the plate. I would imagine that half the town will breathe easier knowing that Mike will still be active and is watching out for our interests.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this new website. As a past Mayor,Mike can speak on issues from a knowledgeable and factual point of view. While we have always tried to get the truth out to the people,the republicans have always condemned the Gadfly and portrayed us as a bunch of liars or loons.
I know that they will start attacking Mike with their protective spin but I'm sure he will have all the records to back up any of his opinions.
Maybe the average good republicans will start looking into the facts before they believe the self serving propaganda put out by the republican club. We have all suffered through the high raises,no bid contracts and corrupt policies of the Forman/Chasey regime that have raised our taxes so high over the last 15 years.
It looks like it is starting all over again with Brown's loyalty to the Club. It's ironic because the republican citizens will be paying the most out of their own wallets.

Anonymous said...

I don't think this will be a website against republicans. Mike belongs to and was supported by a bi-partisan organization whose main goal is to stop corruption,preserve our town from over development and work for the benefit of all our citizens.
He has proven,in the one year that he could make some changes, that he tried to be fair to everybody regardless of their party. He made some great changes in the way things are done.
He helped improve the moral in the police, fire and road depts. Just with the bidded ambulance contract, he saved us $250,000. He owes no one any favors and does everything openly and honestly.
His main concern is against the corruption and paybacks that seems to follow the "Club".
He is against wasting our money,exploiting our land and speaks out against any kind of retribution against individual people just if they have different views.
I think he will give his opinions on matters that go against the best welfare of the entire town. I wish him well and will look forward to his posts.

Anonymous said...

Re 12:05 pm
I am not a loon or a liar or a hater but I know that the people that come out and speak against St. Amour will be the one's who have the most corruption to hide or the biggest financial deals to make.
Everybody should investigate that fact for themselves.

Anonymous said...

RE 6:42 pm
I guess we all know who that might be. The person who is the biggest embarrassment to her party and the town, who has a personal hatred for St.Amour, will be the first to try to discredit him. The vendetta queen,who trys to portray us all as liars, will continue on her undying personal mission of revenge for exposure of her clandestine schemes.

She can lie all she wants but the truth always finds a way out. Eventually, the people that she suckers in will see her vicious nature and know that they have been used and deceived by her.

What happens to the enlightened suckers who refuse to play her game anymore? Of course, they they get put in the ever growing vendetta file.

Anonymous said...

re 6:42pm
I agree with you. I think everybody in this town would want to know if our money is being wasted again or if people are getting political favors.
The only people that will be disturbed by this website are past, present and future officials and their cronies who betray the people's trust.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea and a wonderful service to our community.

Anonymous said...

You didn't even have to mention any names but both friend and foe to know immediately who you're talking about.
I have no sympathy for the people who are taken in by her phony appearances. They are like the people that adopt pit bulls and pay no attention to all the bad publicity about them. One day they find that they or their family members are missing body parts. It's just that dog's nature to lock it's jaws into something without any type of loyalty.

Anonymous said...

re: 4:01 PM

You don't have to be so hard on the pit bulls, they're bred for fighting.

Anonymous said...

RE 8:34 PM
EXACTLY!! Pit Bulls have been bred to fight and are dangerous to have around. They have no control over their mouths when they are in an angry frenzy. They follow their vicious instincts regardless of the commands of the owner. They are just not worth the liability and destruction that they cause.
If someone wants this type of dog (or person) around them, then they deserve all the problems that will come into their lives.

Anonymous said...

re 1:32 pm
I don't think St.Amour cares what anybody says about him. He seems to follow his moral compass which leads him to do the right thing regardless of criticism.
I am looking forward to reading his thoughts.

Anonymous said...

My taxes are frozen. I'm going to enjoy seeing all the people, who wanted to send a message to Washington and the idiots who believed all the lies in the republican mailers, scream their heads off when they realize how they were deceived.

I will have great satisfaction when I know that the crazy big mouth, who caused a lot of the problems in Mullica, will be paying a huge amount directly out of her own pocket for her whispering campaign against the dems
She has to take credit for all our high tax raises while she was in office,too.

I can't wait to see the reaction of all those church people,who believe in honesty and ethics, when they see their "hero" as he really is. He's already proving he's just another Mullica puppet politician,lying, rewarding cronies and wasting their money.
I don't think he can bullshit all of them by waving the flag and preaching about his "Lord" anymore.
NOBODY should ever campaign in a church! How low can he go? We'll all see during the coming years.

Anonymous said...

re 2:37 pm
I guess if my taxes were frozen I would be able to sit back and watch the show without too much pain but they're not.
I couldn't afford to waste my local vote on any messages to Obama. Our conservative seniors could have been scammed by the all the national rhetoric or one of their local peers.
Whatever happened in this strange election is hard to say but I'm definitely worried about how our middle class and poorer families will be able to pay for tax increases. The fact that Jim Brown is continuing the classic republican waste of money in this troubling time is disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

RE: "The fact that Jim Brown is continuing the classic republican waste of money in this troubling time is disgraceful."
When confroted about the additional $16,000 to reappoint Sandman, Brown said that he had heard about a letter "floating around" about a qualified applicant who would take $16,000 less for the job. Did he look into it? No! This is typical of what has happened under Republican leadership in Mullica in the past. Why would anyone expect it to suddenly change?

Anonymous said...

11:24 pm, We have all heard or read the stories about seniors being scammed by strangers pushing home improvements,false banking schemes or guaranteed contest winnings.
It would be a lot easier to deceive these people if false information came from a congregation member,a fellow senior and a long time neighbor.

When a community service position turns into a egotistical power quest, ethics and morals seem to get thrown in the trash along with all the campaign promises.

Anonymous said...

re 2:50pm
There's a great new post on Mullicataxforce.
The zoning officer works 29 hrs a week at $21.22 an hour. Annualized salary of approx. $32,000 plus $2,450 for ss + medicare is a total of $34,450.
In my own opinion,that's a lot of money to waste on someone who refused to go for training,who constantly screwed up,who uses selective enforcement for political reasons and has cost people in this town lots of money and aggravation because of his mistakes.

I guess in Jim Brown's opinion, he's a fine choice because Sandman worked on his campaign and provides his building "Taste Buds" for republican meetings and parties. No doubt,Sandman will continue his partisan harassment as an extra bonus to Brown.
Yeah, Jim Brown has put our taxpayer dollars to work for himself and his party.

It all boils down to different opinions and viewpoints. I guess "they" would call me a "hater" for my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Re 2:50 pm
It's starting to look like a pattern is developing with Jim Brown denying knowledge of different issues and complaining he didn't know until it was too late to do anything about it.

He openly complained at an October meeting that he wasn't told he could have the large signs for his campaign. He went around to people's homes telling them that the dems. were breaking the law. Chasey and Sandman knew the signs were allowed,as did everybody in town hall,as early as June.

Common sense would tell you that if you see the opposition doing something you don't believe is legal,you would approach them immediately or take the matter to the Municipal Chair,the zoning officer or the police. You wouldn't wait months into the campaign to officially complain.

The only logical explanation is that he deliberately made the signs a campaign issue so he could talk to people about the bad,law breaking dems and then deny he had knowledge of the truth after the damage was done.

He also denied any knowledge of his running mate's problems until it was "too late".

Is this going to be his constant excuse for everything? "Oh,I didn't know. Sorry, it's too late now". How long can someone keep saying that before they really start to look like an idiot or a corrupt puppet?

Anonymous said...

re 2:50 pm
Jim Brown is going to find out very quickly that this is not the same Mullica that it was 30 years ago.
Chasey woke up a lot of people with her condescending attitude and ridiculous plans for Mullica.
Brown can't pull off the lies like Chasey could.
He can't think quick enough to pull out a good answer. He has no control of his face changing color or his voice shaking.
If he starts putting his head down and moves it slowly side to side,shuts his eyes while he talks and answers questions with
"abbbsooluuuutely" you'll know for sure that Chasey has taken over what's left of his soul.

Anonymous said...

*From their campaign postcard.
So, what do they do their first day in office? They rehire an incompetent zoning officer for $16,000 more than the applicant who is qualified for the job. So who's making changes and being fiscally responsible? Not them! Who is footing the bill for their fiscal waste? We are! They had the chance to "cut the fat" and they didn't. This is nothing more than Mullica Republican politics as usual.

Anonymous said...

I think that the biggest issue that I had when chasey was sitting up there in control was that she would lie to you, you would know it, and that there was nothing that you could do about it.

Anonymous said...

"abbbsooluuuutely" is what Chasey would reply to a constituent during public comment, while she was opening and reading her mail.

Anonymous said...

I think it should be noted that Sandman had a 4 year contract given to him by the republican governing body which was due for renewal as of January 1, 2011 and Mr. Brown could have voted no to the contract, but he, Riffle and Kennedy renewed it.

Anonymous said...

"I think it should be noted that Sandman had a 4 year contract given to him by the republican governing body which was due for renewal as of January 1, 2011."
With, in addition, very substantial annual increases to do the same job, all courtesy of the Township Republican Club that we, the taxpayers, paid for and will continue to pay for with his re-appointment.

Anonymous said...

re 10:18 & 11:26 pm
If Jim Brown has been out of the loop for 30 years maybe he should read the Gadfly archives starting from 2003. He can read all about the stunts of Chasey and Forman. He will get a good education about Sandman,too.
We all remember living through the turmoil. Of course,Chasey and Forman will continue to say that it's all lies and try to rewrite history in their favor in the minds of the ignorant.
Sorry but there are just too many witnesses to the truth and too many records both here and in the Press that will prove what really happened in the past.