Friday, January 28, 2011

MTEA Annual Spaghetti Dinner tonight, Friday, 1/28-5:00-7:00 PM

The Mullica Township Education Association Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held tonight, Friday, January 28th from 5:00 until 7:00 PM at the Mullica Township school cafeteria.  This dinner is a benefit for their scholarship fund, which benefits Mullica eighth graders and Oakcrest seniors who attended Mullica.

50/50 tickets will be sold to benefit the 8th grade class trip.

Donation is $8.00 for adults, $4.00 children.  Take-outs are available.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the dinner is a benefit for the MTEA Scholarship Fund. We provide scholarships to Mullica eighth graders and Oackrest Seniors that attended Mullica. The 50/50 that will be sold benefits the 8th grade class trip.

Moderator said...

This has been corrected in the posting, thank you for the clarification.