Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Elwood Village shown on new National Geographic Map

The new map, identifying important cities, towns and villages throughout NJ, shows Elwood as one of the significant places in the state. No Egg Harbor City, no Galloway Township, no Sweetwater.

Why is that? Because our little village is also the “Elwood Corridor”, the hourglass linking the northern portion of the Pinelands with the southern section, the keystone for animal and plant migration and preservation. We need to protect our cherished village from unwanted overdevelopment to keep this link open forever.

Ironically, the granddaughter of one of the founders of National Geographic Society lived in Elwood much of her life and is buried in the Elwood Cemetery, Josephine Grinnell Smith.


Anonymous said...

The Elwood Corridor is the linchpin that unifies the Pinelands.
Destroy this critical isthmus and you split the Pinelands in two, with the north section ending at the Mullica River and you loose the justification to preserve the rural nature of our township and the protection of the Pinelands legislation. Mullica would become another Galloway.

Anonymous said...

re 5:01 pm
Isn't that exactly what Chasey tried to do by attempting to change the zoning laws of the Elwood Village for Waszen? She also wanted all the land up to and including the Devonshire Inn to be included in the Village.

Watch VERY closely if Jim Brown starts talking about this subject again. He will be a mouth piece for the same people who would profit with zoning changes that would lead to our town's destruction.