Thursday, December 30, 2010

Township Holiday Closures

Town Hall will be closed on Friday, December 31st for the New Year Holiday. The Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, January 1st.


unemployed for 8 months now said...

wish i worked for mullica

Anonymous said...

Word is out that we now officially have Jim Brown as Mayor and Larry Riffle as Deputy Mayor.

Anonymous said...

Well,everyone,I just heard that Jim Brown made Larry Riffle our deputy mayor. How's that for losing all respect and credibility on your first day in office?

Anonymous said...

re 3:20 pm
It goes to show you that Jim Brown is devoted to his republican party and could care nothing about the town's welfare. I think this is the first step proving he is going to pay back political cronies at our dire expense.
Hold on to your wallets and your property value because I predict the big winds of the Republican County Machine will be blowing through our rural little hamlet.
Another New Year's prediction will be that the Gadfly will be busier than ever and the people will finally wake up and be angry about how they were deceived by Brown,his lies and his false promises.

Anonymous said...

RE 1:48pm
You're right on track! I've heard Brown has cost us a whole pile of money already because he values political cronies above job competence.
Looks like Mullica has returned to the selective enforcement,thug mentality & back room deals of the old republican administrations.
I was really hoping that Brown was a honest man of his word but he's screwed us all big time on his first day.
What bothers me most is that he used all his religious BS to sucker people in. Maybe all his church people will praise the Lord as they empty their wallets for his political pay backs. I will have to have faith that there is a pay back waiting for him when he meets his Lord face to face.

Anonymous said...

RE: I predict the big winds of the Republican County Machine will be blowing through our rural little hamlet.
Isn't the new township solicitor also the Chairman of the Atlantic County Republican Party? Who do you think will be calling the shots on committee and interpreting the law for the township? Would you trust him, given his credentials?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why people were commenting on the dump closures. This looks like bad news right from the start. Here we go again!

Anonymous said...

Did you really expect anything different since Brown is just a puppet for the "Club"? My biggest surprise was hearing that "Weird Waldo" Riffle actually attended the meeting.
Happy New Year,Mullica!

Anonymous said...

Ah,cheer up people! At least we'll have some good reading to get us through the long winter nights. Just think of all the entertainment the last republican administration gave us.
Kennedy,Brown,Riffle the cartoon cast of characters that will "K"eep the"B"ullshit"R"olling. The Blind leading the blind and rolling Mullica right down the river.

Anonymous said...

to 737pm
Even with all the chaos in the world,country and state,last year I felt that Mullica was protected and insulated from the outside world. I saw a new kind of peacefulness and saw that community spirit started to grow. Now it seems that protective bubble has been ripped off and replaced by a dark cloud.
I have this overwhelming feeling that Mullica is in huge trouble now. You said "Here we go again" but this is more than Deja Vu.
I think we're going to be in a struggle to keep our Twp.from total destruction.

Anonymous said...

RE: 2:18 AM post
Watch for the news article quoting mayor Brown about the proposed halfway house coming to Mullica and being a revenue boon for the community. This is no joke. It happened before, when mayor Chasey touted the section eight apartments, oh sorry, the high-end senior citizen residences, which were coming to the WHP the last time that the county and state republicans were in cahoots with our committee.

Anonymous said...

Last year, unlike most other communities, Mullica was able to duck the financial bullet. While the average municipal tax increase statewide was 5%, Muiica's was only 1.7. While most communites laid off employees and cut services, Mullica didn't. What will happen this year under the new administration? I suspect that we will now join the ranks of the rest of the towns, with much higher property taxes and fewer services.

Anonymous said...

re9:48 am
What happens if that halfway house is run by a church or non profit organization? That would mean that we would lose the tax payment coming into the town now. The only winner would be the owner of the Devonshire Inn who has been trying to dump that property for years.
Last year a commercial property was sold to a church and we lost the tax income.
Cathy Chasey applied to the Pinelands to add all the property up to the Inn into the Elwood Village zoning years ago. If Brown pursues her plan,then we could end up with both the criminals and no income.
Add the county republicans to the list of happy people. They are always looking to send all the things that no other town wants into our backyards.

Anonymous said...

re10:12 am
I agree with you! We did exceptionally well compared to the other towns last year. We did so good that some people thought that there was nothing to worry about in Mullica.
How many people put their vote toward sending a message to Washington?
Those people wasted their vote and put our town in jeopardy of being devastated.
Let them send a message to Washington now and ask for help. They won't be getting any answers. I have no sympathy for these people.

I really feel bad for almost half the town that realized that local level elections have no effect on national policies but can affect their neighborhoods tremendously. We all must suffer because ignorance, prolific lies and plain stupidity.

Anonymous said...

9:49am post
Churches don't run prisons, which is what a halfway house is. All private NJDOC halfway houses are run by CEC, a corporation that has close ties to Governor Christie. One of their corporate heads ran "Reform New Jersey", a campaign that attacked key Democrats, including our own Senator Jim Whelan, who has stood up for Mullica time after time. The owner of the property is a precast concrete manufacturer and possibly would get the contract to construct it, in addition to the new found value of his property.

Anonymous said...

Now...this is the Gadfly I love!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that no drug or alcohol rehabilitation organizations are non-profit?

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that no drug or alcohol rehabilitation organizations are non-profit?
10:24 PM
Atlanticare is non-profit.