Monday, December 20, 2010

Lost phone book? An Irresponsible and Senseless Act

Over the past two days, The Gadfly has received a few postings regarding the dumping of phone books on Fifth Avenue between Moss Mill and Indian Cabin Road.  People, you do realize these are recyclable and can easily be placed in your recycling bin?  Do the right thing, go pick up your trash.

An irresponsible and senseless act by an idiot.
This morning on the way to the dump in Mullica Township I came across something that really struck a nerve with me. On one of the township’s most traveled road leading to the dump on Fifth Ave between Moss Mill and Indian Cabin Road, some irresponsible and senseless person really stooped low and dumped over 50 yellow book pages phone books on the side of the road.

The thing that gets me the most here is the person who committed this senseless act probably drove further to this spot to dump the stuff. Perhaps if they would have driven 2 more miles the nice folks at the dump would have gladly taken the phone books out of the vehicle for them. They certainly spent more energy dumping them that if they would have if they would have taken the books a little further down the road. Now the good taxpayers have to bear the expense to have their senseless act cleaned up. I am praying that Mr. Sandman gets them and prosecutes them to the full extent of the law for their irresponsible and senseless act.
And from a separate posting:

"If you are looking for your Phone book ,it is in the stream on 5th Ave. just north of Moss Mill Rd."


Anonymous said...

Phone books are biodegradable. My neighbor has proved this since he never picks up his when it is dropped in front of his house. Believe me, After two years it is just a shadow of its former self.

The pollution police should look for a person who contracted with the phone company to deliver the phone books. Who else would have such a large supply?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the person hired to deliver the phone books just dumped them off. Mr. Sandman should call the company who produced the books and find out if anyone was hired to deliver to Mullica and then write him/her up.

Dancer said...

Free toilet paper for the hunters!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that those members of the Republican Club who complained loudly at township meetings about one sheet of political literature being left at their homes as being "litter" and clogging sewers, yet haven't said anything about the real trash in our community and never volunteered for any of the roadside clean ups being sponsored by Sustainable Mulica. Chasey even said that she was "comfortable" with amount of trash along our roads. Hypocrites all.

Anonymous said...

I worked for the Yellow Pages. This is a lazy delivery person that Yellow Book hired. The phone book met it's same fate that it will eventually meet anyway... being dumped.