Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Township Committee Meeting of 2010-Tonight 7:00 PM

Tonight is the last Township committee meeting for 2010 at 7:00 PM.  The agenda is not up on the Township website, as of this morning, but should be up in town hall or may be up later on their website.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, it's the last meeting for Mayor St. Amour. I thought he was a great committeeman and mayor and he will be missed by many. We're hoping he decides to run again.

Anonymous said...

Re 1:08 pm
I thought he was the best mayor this town ever had. It's too bad that the Sweetwater people believed all the lies put out by the republicans without investigating the facts. Now we have piney's who don't know a damn thing about what's going on in the town and are going to be puppets for the county.
It's a good thing Sweetwater has money because they are going to be the one's paying big bucks for their ignorance.