Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rick Noble's Retirement from the Board of Education

This is the letter that was read at the board meeting held on 11/16/2010 regarding Rick Noble's retirement from the Board of Education. Please note that the seat opening, as discussed in the previous posting was announced in the "Scoop" from the Supt dated November 3rd, so it is unknown when Mr. Noble announced his resignation, yet the advertising for his seat was dated prior to date of this letter.

November 8, 2010

Dr. Brenda Harring-Marro, Superintendent
Dr. Spiros Malaspina, President BOE
Mullica School District
500 Elwood Road
Elwood, NJ 08217

Please accept this letter as formal notification of my retirement from the Mullica Township Board of Education effective December 1, 2010.

Originally, I had not planned to run for a second term on the Mullica Township Board of Education. But when only two candidates registered for the 3 open seats in April of 2009, I felt an obligation to run as the third candidate.

Once re-elected to the Mullica Township Board of Education, and appointed chairman of the negotiations sub-committee, I felt a need to stay until the negotiations process with the MTEA was concluded. Those negotiations are now concluded.

During my second term on the Board, my son graduated from Mullica Township Middle School and moved on to high school. While he was a student, I felt a strong desire to participate as a Board member in making things better for him and his fellow students. I feel that this opportunity should be made available to another parent of a child currently in the Mullica Township School system.

As a BOE member, the wishes of those that elected me were always a consideration in the decisions I made as a member of the BOE. Sometimes it seemed that the needs in the community ran opposite of those of the school. Balancing those decisions, may well be the most difficult part of the job of being a BOE member.

Being a member of the Mullica Township Board of Education, serving both the children and community, for the last four and three quarter years, has been an honor and privilege for me. I would like to thank all the board members, past and present, for their help in my growth as a board member. I would also like to thank the administration, past and present, for the help and guidance they gave me during my term on the Mullica Township Board of Education.


Rick Noble


Anonymous said...

It would appear from the dearth of comments left here, that the people of Mullica really don't give a shit what goes on in the community.

Anonymous said...

Considering that there are so few voters in the school elections and that most who do vote have no idea where the candidates stand on the issues, is it any wonder that no one cares if Noble is resigning?

Anonymous said...

Is he going to work for his bother Barnes now?

Anonymous said...

Shame he never lived up to his name!

Tom Carl said...

Rick regardless what people write or say , you gave the BOE your all.Being one that worked close with you ,I want to say it was great and you will be missed.

Tom Carl

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to see him go. He was one of the best members of the board, who had enough guts to ask questions in attempt to get clarifications and explanations.

However, I do not agree that having a child in the school makes you a good board member.

Anonymous said...

12:54 wrote: "I do not agree that having a child in the school makes you a good board member."
Nor does it make someone a bad one. What I disagree with is having board members who are also teachers or staff or who have relatives working in the school system. That's like having the fox guarding the henhouse yet the voters repeatedly put them in office.

Anonymous said...

While any Mullica resident who is registered to vote can run for school board, six members out of nine currently do not have children in the school system. Rick Noble's suggestion that more parents serve on the board is a good one, if they can find the time to do so.