Thursday, October 21, 2010

Keep Mullica Green warns of tricks this Halloween season

A recent Keep Mullica Green posting seems to indicate that the Republican challengers are copying Keep Mullica Green's platform to confuse voters. For the full posting, click here.


Anonymous said...

Really, what do these two guys stand for and why are they running? One of them no one has seen hide nor hair of during the campaign. All that we know about him is that he gets a kick out of harrassing his neighbors by shooting off his gun next to their home. The other has been out of the loop for the past thirty years. All we know about him is that "he's his own man". Is this truly what Mullica's voters want for our community?

Anonymous said...

re 9:45am
As bad as in is to harass his neighbors with random gun shots,it gets even worst because they have horses.
What kind of mentality does Riffle have that he likes to panic half ton animals? Not only does he cause risk to the animals from injury, he is also endangering the lives of the owners if they are thrown off or near the horses when the shots go off.
How about if the horses break out and run in the street? They could run in front of your car and kill you and your family,too.
Riffle knows about all these dangers but he doesn't care.
The guy is a dangerous,vicious idiot. I can't believe he was put up to run for Twp. Committee. This is the jerk that Kathy Chasey picked to run! What does that tell you about her?????

Anonymous said...

If you really want to get a look at this dude,you should stake out the Egg Harbor City liquor store. He's sort of an odd mix between Senator Whelan and Lurch.Tall,thin with a black pickup truck.

Anonymous said...

re 9:45 am
What the hell does that mean"he's his own man"?
Chuck is his own man,too but that doesn't mean I would vote for him for anything.
I know nothing about Jim Brown other than his campaign is is very close to plagiarizing Keep Mullica Green. It shows a total lack of any new ideas even down to the green paper he's using.
In my opinion,he's already trying to deceive people.
Larry"Waldo"Riffle sounds like a back woods nut case. Oh yeah, he's one of the "Piney's that care".

Anonymous said...

Re 12:42 pm
Riffle is shooting by horses???? This guy has got to be brain dead! I've seen where a horse broke through a cinder block wall because it was panicked by truck noises. I've seen corral fences broken to bits by frightened horses.
You can't stop those babies once they get going.
The only defense they have is to run as far and as fast as they can from something that scares them.
They will knock down anyone or go over anything in their path. You're right,12:42, they will run right in front of your car and you could be as smashed as if a tractor trailer hit you.
This Riffle has quite a few screws loose!

Anonymous said...

12:42pm post "This is the jerk that Kathy Chasey picked to run! What does that tell you about her????"
What it tells me is that Kathy is hoping that Rifle gets elected with Brown so that Rifle can then resign and Kathy can take his place on committee.

Anonymous said...

Since Riffle seems to be hidden somewhere,I am assuming that Jim Brown was the republican candidate that has already made attacks on our freedom of speech. So he thinks that local laws should be ABOVE the Constitution of the United States.

I guess he has plans to make some strict laws to shut us all up. He's following right in Chasey's footprints.
Can you even imagine if Galloway wrote an ordinance that only allowed people of a certain race to enter their municipal building between 3 & 4 o'clock. Local law ABOVE Constitution. Those people could always move to Hammonton where the law would be that they could enter between 1 & 2 o'clock.

Local law ABOVE the Constitution would throw us back to the days when there was NO Constitution.
Local laws HAVE to be written in a way that they do NOT violate our Constitution. It's a disgrace that the past republican party had illegal laws on our books.
It's more of a disgrace that Jim Brown, who is running for office, prefers to throw our US Constitution in the trash.
He's relying on pictures of elephants, the US flag and green paper to get votes.

Please! Someone tell me that the people in Mullica are not that stupid that they would vote party line over the welfare of our community.

Anonymous said...

Re 12:42 pm
I'm very upset about the horses. Isn't there some kind of agency that can be called in to stop this guy from hurting them?

Anonymous said...

"What does it tell you about her?????"
Just another Piney who "cares".

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous.
The republicans are wasting the people's money and giving support to Jim Brown, who appears to know nothing about the workings of this town except what he must have been told by Kathy Chasey.
Riffle is brainless and invisible.

Out of this WHOLE town these are the only two people that Chasey could get to run on the republican ticket.

That tells me that there are a lot of knowledgeable,respectable republicans out there that want nothing to do with the current local party key players.

This whole Brown/Riffle campaign is aimed at uninformed voters and elephant devotees.

Anonymous said...

I love horses. I am so sad that the are being harassed. This is cruelity to animals. this guy should be in jail

Anonymous said...

re 3:30 pm
That's not the way the system works.Chasey would not be back on the committee.

Anonymous said...

re 3:41 pm
I'll tell you this,if you could pick two pumpkins out of the field,carve a face on them and give them a name,they would get votes. That is what the republican club is counting on with these two.

They're giving out green papers to confuse the voters along with the long standing KMG promises that have THEIR candidates names on them.

I think that the Mullica voters have become much more aware of what's been going on the last couple of years,that they will see right through this deception. They might actually take it as an insult to their intelligence.

I'll tell you this,too,if I'm wrong and the majority of this town elect Brown and Riffle to work with Kennedy,this town is finished.

It would be much better to have the benign pumpkins sitting behind the microphones then these two characters.

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have ever heard of a candidate going into a public town meeting and actually devaluing the Constitution. Everybody is usually fighting for their constitutional rights and this guy wants to give them up.

After reading all these comments,I am so depressed by the thought that these men are actually seeking to represent us. My head hurts. I have to go to bed and try to block out this reality.

Anonymous said...

re 10:25-WRONG. Brown, Riffle and Kennedy would have control. The R's would put up their 3 people, Cathy being one and then pick her by vote. Polk and Gabris would be locked out of the vote.

Anonymous said...

11:27 PM post. No, you don't even have to carve a face on them. I have no idea what Riffle looks like.

Anonymous said...

From the Keep Mullica Green post

"In perhaps the worst economic times in the last 35 years,we simply can't afford to look back in the rear view mirror to the failed policies of the Chasey Administration. We need to continue on the path of respect for our residents,our rights and our resources."

So who's running against the people that have made so many good changes in the last ten months?
We have Mr.Magoo,who hasn't a clue and
Waldo,who you may eventually find if you follow the gunshots and hoof print trails or as suggested,stake out a liquor store.

Lurking in the background,is the lady with the notorious bag of tricks.

Voting these people in would be more than just looking in the rear view mirror. It would be more like backing into a brick wall at 60 miles an hour.

Anonymous said...

Re 9:33am
And you probably will never know what he looks like.
They don't want Riffle out in the public eye. The Repubs are zeroing in on the party liners who vote on names. Bringing Riffle out of hiding to be seen or heard could cost them even those votes.

Anonymous said...

"This is the first time I have ever heard of a candidate going into a public town meeting and actually devaluing the Constitution."
The poster is correct, its always been our zoning officer and former elected officials who have done this at public meetings in the past.

Anonymous said...

"Lurking in the background,is the lady with the notorious bag of tricks."
I believe Larry's account how Kathy got her name as the "bag lady", as he always referred to her on this site. Larry said that it was Mullica's police who first began calling her that name, to deride the way she dressed. They didn't know how clairvoyant they were. Kathy truly became the "bag lady", accumulating more and more political baggage over the years until it got to the point that the voters said enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

re 3:20 pm

Excellent! You have hit that nail right on the head. I totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody else receive the new Brown/Riffle campaign mailer? This one is even more ridiculous than the last one. Do they really think everybody in this town is as brainless as the two candidates they are running?

Anonymous said...

To 3:45 pm
I'm totally disgusted with the Republican Party in this town. I am embarrassed by the candidates and the ways they are trying to deceive the people. Rest assured, not all of us vote party line.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Dump today. Neither Jim Brown or Larry Riffle was there. There was a bunch of people giving out flyers. They are not even interested enough to talk to or meet the people.I'm convinced that they wouldn't give a damn about any of us and would have Chasey's attitude of ignoring us all and follow her past plans to really screw up this town.

Anonymous said...

re 3:09pm
When I read your post,I went to look through my paper recycle pile and there it was. This whole mailing is right out of Chasey's lying mouth.
Mike and Bernie have being fighting the back room dealings of the Republicans for at least seven years that I know of. They fought with us against the all the corrupt slick deals that Chasey was trying to slip past the people.

Bernie And Mike never made any of these "promises". The whole thing is one big pack of lies!
Imitation and copying of promises was one thing but this is outright slander.
Jim Brown is supposed to be a proud member of the Weekstown Church. I guess this is an example of the type of "ethics" he has. I see why Chasey picked him. PERFECT TOGETHER

Xena said...

RE 3:09pm
In response to the Republican mailer,
I,too,have received this piece of rubbish. I was of the opinion,until today,that Jim Brown was just an uninformed man with skewed ideas. I have since come to the conclusion that he is a lying deceiver who fits right in with his mentors.

I do not even consider Larry Riffle to be a real candidate. I am of the opinion that Riffle was the last bottom of the barrel toxic pick because no one else,who was of respectable character,would be in collusion with Chasey.

The high gloss of this mailer cannot obscure the blatant dark falsehoods it contains.
The people will know immediately that this is total fabrication.

This community has grown tremendously in awareness since their homes have been threatened by Chasey's tactics. Chasey and the rouge Republican Club have not evolved and have sadly retained the obsession that the only way they can attain their desires is to lie,twist facts,omit truth,imitate and hide their real agenda.

I feel confident that this, their own campaign mailer, will be the sword that slices through their power hungry hearts and ends in all. The battle is over.

Anonymous said...

How sad that the Republican "candidates" can't even take the time to greet voters at the dump! They don't give a damn about any of us. Riffle is a joke and Brown is a member of a church? Jim, what would Jesus think of all of the lies you are spreading?

Anonymous said...

Jim Brown calls himself a church going man but yet he & diffle spreads lies about Mike & Bernie. He does't want a dirty campaign... Ya Jimmy right