Thursday, October 28, 2010

Keep Mullica Green Sheds New Light on Public Assemblies Ordinance

In a new posting, Keep Mullica Green refutes denials by former mayors Chasey and Forman that they sought to keep their opponents from campaigning at the Transfer Station. This article appears to go into some detail.


Anonymous said...

Doug Cody, the son-in-law of Kennedy's former employer and where Bill got to golf for free, was hired as municipal solicitor last year, with the support of Chasey and Forman. Cody was beholden to these three committee people for his appointment but even he had to advise that their move would have been illegal. The closing down of half the dump from First Amendment activity, the requirement to wear vests and keeping all other residents completely away was the fig leaf that they used to try to justify their previous attempted action. There was no other reason for it, other then to give some cover to themselves. The current administration removed that fig leaf for all to see for what it was, a charade.

Anonymous said...

The more Chasey and Forman write,the stupider they look. I think there should be a basic skills test requirement before anyone is allowed to run for office. Forman's split personality really shines through in her posts. .

John said...

re 7:33 pm
Yes, the malicious,stupidity of Janet Forman's last post shows Forman's low ball tactics. Lou has been a very active,open supporter of St.Amour,Graebener,Polk,and Gabris for the last four years. He would be against any candidate who was backed by Chasey and her agenda,as would be most people I know.
Forman states Lou's "crystal clear" agenda is only to defeat his neighbor,who she describes as a "Republican candidate who you have no love for".
Lou did not mention Riffle in any post. His arguments were about the old 2009 Ordinance.
If I had a neighbor who was spitefully shooting by my horses and endangering the life of my family & the community & harassing me even to the point of intimidating me by approaching with a swinging baseball bat because I was planting trees on my property,I would be a lot more vocal about Riffle and his lack of common sense and viciousness.
Lou did not bring his personal disputes into the political arena.

I'm sure Lou has no love for this idiot. Who would want to deal with him as a neighbor. The question is WHO would want a person of this mentality to hold a position in the town government? I guess the answer to that is ONLY Kathy Chasey.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with everything you said except the last sentence.
Who would want a person of Riffle's mentality to hold a position in the town government? Although Chasey picked him,the republican club is financially supporting his candidacy. They are knowingly representing this missing link to be a caring human being.
How many people gave money or put up signs for Riffle based only the republican club's backing?
These citizens are being morally and financially betrayed by their own party's leadership.

Anonymous said...

re 8:29pm
I think you hit on something. They're trying to represent him as a "caring,human being". I guess they thought that putting "Dorothy's Toto"in the Press picture would soften his image and appeal to the public.
To me,it looks like Riffle is displaying a trophy catch and planning his next meal.Look at how he's holding that poor dog. It looks like it's in shock.

Anonymous said...

After reading the comments from 8:43 & 10:23 under the 10/27/10 article here "Mullica Township focus on taxes,quality of life"and your post,I am very disturbed.

Jim Brown served on the committee 1978-1980. During those years, the Township shot stray dogs at a kennel where the dump is now,it was like the wild west and Mullica was truly hicksville.Go read the comments.
He is now running again for office after a long sleep.
As his running mate,he digs up Larry Riffle. I heard of his reputation for being arrogant,shooting animals for no reason,terrifying horses,harassing his neighbors and now I read intimidating people with baseball bats.
I am really sick to my stomach. I don't even know what to say other then I'm truly frightened for the future of my town and disgusted by the republican leadership.

Anonymous said...

re 10:44 pm
That's not shock,it looks more like rigor mortis.

Anonymous said...

10:44 pm
OMG! I just went to study the picture. Is Riffle deliberately exposing that dog's private parts??Is he letting us all know we're all going to get the shaft if he gets in. This is unbelievable! I've never seen anything like this in a political campaign before. This is sick

Anonymous said...

10:44 pm
I'm more in shock than that dog. I can't believe what's going on in this election. The republicans put these two unknown guys up to run,they start off by imitating everything from KMG,then they switch and put lies in their flyers about the Dems.
Then the candidates don't campaign or seem to want to talk to the people.
After that we find out that Brown knows nothing about what's been going on in the town and doesn't like the Constitution.
Then we have Riffle,who has yet to be seen except in the Press picture. From all I'm hearing and reading about him,you may be right about the meal.

Anonymous said...

RE 8:29pm
I agree with every word in your post.

Anonymous said...

re 12:39am
I went to look at that Press photo and I see exactly what you're talking about. If this was a smarter group,I might agree with you that some kind of message is being sent.
I really think it is just a very dumb guy holding a dog in a very weird way and nobody in the whole very inept group caught on how very inappropriate the photo was Press and flyers.

Anonymous said...

re 12:39pm
I never received a mailer,so I don't know how this appears in print. The Press photo online does look really strange. I don't know what to think about anything going on inside the repubs.heads anymore. Everything has been strange since the beginning of their campaign.

Anonymous said...

12:29 AM-Holy crap! I didn't notice it in the fliers I received, but when I looked at the Press picture, there it was, big as life and twice as ugly. I'm surprised The Press of Atlantic City didn't ask for another "head" shot!

Anonymous said...

They would have been better off to run the white dog for office.

Anonymous said...

re 11:39pm
At least we're getting a clearer picture of why they call themselves "Piney's who care"and what they really care about. They are one small step above moonshine and roadkill vittles.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Today is one of those days that truth seems way stranger than fiction.
STOP YELLING,8:15pm! I really can't wait until Tuesday comes and the thought of a Kennedy,Brown,Riffle majority becomes just a nightmare from the past.