Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The recent debate over campaigning at Mullica's Transfer Station has Keep Mullica Green questioning Jim Brown's honesty with the voters. For more, see the post on their site.


Anonymous said...

What can I say. This issue has been discussed over and over again ad nauseum the past few years. Rip Van Winkle suddenly wakes from his thirty-year nap and now he is concerned about it. Jim, go back to bed.

Anonymous said...

Ah, didn't I hear or read somewhere that Jim Brown flipped a coin or something to split up dump days between him and the Keep Mullica Green candidates tis year? This guy seems to be talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Last year Chasey and Forman got egged badly by the Press in it's editorial for their arrogance and audacity by trying to circumvent the First Amendment. Now they are using Brown to reopen old wounds. He really needs to review what went on in Mullica the past few years before he opens his mouth. Otherwise, he just looks like an ignorant fool to the public.

Anonymous said...

It is clear to see who is pulling the strings of Jim Brown---its really Kathy Chasey who is running for election. Jim Brown says he's his own man, he must not realize that this could not be further from the truth. I can hear Chasey's cackling already...

Anonymous said...

I also can hear Chasey's cackling already, "Jim, when you get in you can appoint me to the Planning Board. We really do need those 150 townhouses on the Waszen property to bring in more revenue." Jim replies, "Sounds good to me."

Anonymous said...

Hello Kathy.. this is jim...(singing) Im your puppet.ill do anything you want me to do cause im your puppet.Ill scream ill lie to make you your puppet..Tell all your friends when i get in..ill take care all of them your puppettttt

Anonymous said...

Mr. Brown came to my house, and by listening to him I can tell that he is AGAINST education. He made it clear that he would cut money for education, and my kids programs are already being cut and everybody in the school is on edge. You're supposed to be there for the people, and the kids are our future. Don't punish kids for what grown-ups in Trenton have done.

Anonymous said...

When I asked Jim Brown how he'd save us money, he said he probably couldn't cut anything. What? Then why exactly are you running? Forget Pineys who care, I'd rather have PINEYS WHO THINK...

Anonymous said...

12:43 pm post-"He made it clear that he would cut money for education." Maybe Jim should be running for School Board then. They develop the school budget.

Anonymous said...

re 12:43 pm
Exactly what do these "Piney's that care" really care about?
Brown has already showed that he knows nothing about or doesn't care the about US Constitution's protections.
You're saying he told you he couldn't cut anything from the town budget. 12:43 pm said he told them that he would cut money for education.

The school board makes up the budget for education. He wouldn't even have his hand in that one. If the school board budget failed again,he would have an opportunity to send it to the State for review. The State already took all the surplus and we are below cap. I don't think the State could cut the budget any lower. It will be even worst next year.

Anonymous said...

RE 11:33am
I remember that Vince Pollistina had his name on the drawings for that dense housing development that Chasey pushed for the Waszen property. It looked very much like a low income housing project in Atlantic City.
I'm sure that the Republican County political machine would love to have Chasey's vote if she was put on the planning board.

Anonymous said...

re 12:15 pm
Did you hear that Jim Brown made a long,whiny speech at a town meeting complaining that nobody told him he could have the large signs.The funny part is that Kathy Chasey was at a previous meeting back in August where the zoning laws and the large signs were discussed. She's head of the republican party here and his campaign manager but she must have "forgot" to tell him he could have the large signs.

Anonymous said...

To quote Keep Mullica's Green post

"If Jim honestly felt that this was a danger,would he allow his own family to be in harms way for his political gain?"

No, Jim doesn't think there is a danger at the dump. He didn't even supply voluntary safety vests for them. He let his friends and family hand out his flyers and avoided the people's questions. Then he joins in with Chasey,Forman,Kennedy and Monzo to start propaganda against the Dems.
I noticed that Monzo was standing at the dump for no reason. Where was his safety vest if he was so petrified of all the dangers?

They have nothing substantial to offer the people and are resorting to lies and trickery.

Anonymous said...

With all this talk about Boggy Brain Brown,you're forgetting that there's a second candidate. Did Larry "Weird Waldo" Riffle make it to the last Twp.meeting before the election? Did the republicans reveal their hidden "surprise package"?
If Brown is their front man,this guy must really be pitiful. We already know that Riffle has no common sense and likes to harass animals and people. Is he that stupid or gross that they don't even want him to speak or be seen?

Anonymous said...

I don't question Jim Brown's honesty with the voters anymore. He has proven by the lies in his flyers and his actions that he is one of Chasey's shills and even dumber than Kennedy.

A Kennedy,Brown,Riffle majority vote would be known as "Keep Bullshit Rolling" - KBR

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up! 12:05pm had me humming along with the puppet song. KBR just about sums up these three people. I needed a laugh to start my day. Thanks!