Monday, October 25, 2010

Freedom of Speech again attacked by Mullica Republican Candidates

Once again, Mullica Republican candidates argue against campaigning at the dump, thus restricting First Amendment rights. To read the full Press of Atlantic City article, click here.


Anonymous said...

Tom Monzo is a disingenuous old fool. If he had his way he would probably stop political flyers and campaign signs too, as his Mullica Republican cohorts have tried recently. Look for Kathy and Janet behind the curtain, feeding this garbage to the old cogger.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, now you can stand outside the dump again for any reason without be harrassed by the authorities. Want to meet the public about a worthy cause? You have the right to do so. Its not just about being able to hand out leaflets there at election time or political speech. Our government should stop needlessly sticking its nose into people's lives where it doesn't belong.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that Kathy didn't get the idea to keep people away from the transfer station before Waszen's attmept to bring the county's garbage to Mullica or we would have had a friggin pile of trash and garbage trucks galore in Mullica today. It was oppositon to the subseqent dense housing scheme supported by Chasey and her political buddies that convinced her to shut it down.

Anonymous said...

How do you like the part where the article states

"Republican committee candidate Jim Brown agreed that the dump can be dangerous, and he and his running mate, Larry Riffle have been reluctant to petition for votes at the station".

If it's so damn dangerous, why is he sending women alone or people who look like they could be his kids or grandchildren to do his work? Who would tell their child to do something dangerous that they wouldn't do themselves. It's only dangerous for him to go because people might ask him questions and he'll end up looking ignorant when he can't answer them.
Larry(Weird Waldo)Riffle has been "reluctant" to show himself during the last 6 months. He must of been given orders to stay hidden to avoid even more embarrassment to the Republican Club. For what reasons would someone who's running for office actually hide from the public?? That is scary.

Anonymous said...

Re 8:12 am
Did you read the parts in the article that states campaigning at the dump was a decades-old tradition and Tom Monzo was a former mayor.
I guess it was alright when he did his campaigning there. Maybe this hypocrite was one of the first to start the tradition.
These people are trying to suppress information in this town. They would love for us all to become "mushrooms".
The thing that frightens me most is that future plans are in the works. They are trying to set up the ground work now to make it difficult for us to reach the community quickly with information.

Anonymous said...

"Republican committee candidate Jim Brown agreed that dump campaigning can be dangerous, and he and his running mate, Larry Riffle, have been reluctant to petition for votes at the station."
Who are they kidding? They got their people out there every weekend handing out their flyers.

Anonymous said...

Everybody has to look at the pictures with the Press article!
Holy Crap! Go look at that cut out sign!

Go read Janet Forman's comment filled with outright lies!

The whole article is filled with lies from both Kennedy and Brown.

They must have called the Press to put out this phony article. This reporter was given all the wrong information.

This is a perfect example of lies and deception Forman,Kennedy,Riffle,Brown and the Republican Club are trying to spoon feed the people.

Anonymous said...

The truth be known, there was and is no compelling safety concern standing outside the dump. Jeez, teh fense is 20 feet off the roadway. It was all fabricated to stop any opposition to their nefarious schemes. And Janet had a special vested interest in somehow justying in her mind her husband's near serious injuring or even killing of St. Amour with his pickup truck when he tried to intimidate him as Mike was putting up a campaign sign across the street from the dump. No safety vest would have protected him. The bogus safety report just goes to show you how currupt our government can become with the wrong people in office.

Anonymous said...

This whole article is total Republican Club propaganda!
It's said that pictures are worth a thousand words. The pictures linked to this article tell the TRUE story.

No traffic backup
No speeding 50 mph cars
Happy interested residents
Exit gate only
Voluntary safety vests
Candidates who are not afraid to state their accomplishments and express their future agendas
And that defaced sign alone speaks MILLIONS of words all by itself!

Even worst than the lying article is the comment by Janet Forman. The "FRAUD QUEEN" is living up to her title once again

Anonymous said...

Re 12:52 pm
You're right!
St. Amour wasn't even at the dump when he almost got killed by Janet Forman's husband. The dump was closed and he was across the street. I think he was by Larry's property putting up a sign.

Forman was angry about some campaign literature and tried to intimidate St.Amour by speeding up to him in his truck. Forman skidded in so close that St.Amour hit his head on the bumper of the truck. He was found guilty of careless driving by the judge.

Forman and Chasey have been trying to use this as justification to stop campaigning because of "accidents". This was a deliberate action by Forman's husband.

Campaigning has been going on for decades at the dump. The Repubs. even had people sleeping there to save a spot. They used the "dangerous" entrance if they couldn't get the valued exit. There were never any accidents in over 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tom, where's your safety vest? Oh, that's right, you don't have to wear one any longer while you're standing outside the dump, 20 feet off the road. You can thank Graebener and St. Amour for restoring you personal freedom to dress how you want to and can now re-assume some personal responsibility for your own security measures. Apparently, you feel that wearing a vest there isn't needed for your own safety after all. So, really, what's your beef?

Anonymous said...

In order to stop the opposition from using the dump to get the message out, Janet and Kathy got Chief Barbera to lie about how unsafe campaigning at the dump was. When asked to provide proof of accidents, he was unable to provide any. The lies were given to the JIF folks who based their report on the false Barbera report. Janet commenting after the Press article talks about how all these non political folks found that campaigning at the dump was unsafe. We come full circle-Janet and Kathy lies, has others repeat the same lie, than they turn around and say, see, we were telling the truth all the time. This is sick, sick, sick.

Anonymous said...

If is wasn't for the dump, the signs and the flyers, many people in Mullica today wouldn't know what was going on in their community. The "club" tried to stop all three methods of communication. This first came to a head during the "No Dump" movement, when their attemted suppression started. Today, we have a much more informed and involved community, thanks to the right of free speech.

Anonymous said...

The first political flyer that I received, now many years ago, was of Kathy Chasey in several poses next to the Township's "Lil Red Truck". The was no substance to the message. I said to myself at the time, "WTF, I'm living with a bunch of hillbillies!"

Anonymous said...

Re 1:05pm
The entrance gate is open for campaigning if the candidates can't agree on alternate days. This would be fair to both parties. No one can stand inside the dump for safety reasons.

Anonymous said...

I'm a republican and I am sick of all the BS the republicans, and their club are doing. We have just a few more weeks of this crap and it will be all over, I only hope non of the new A-HOLES get in. I'm surprised they don't have their little puppet (TOM SANDMAN) handing out warnings.

Anonymous said...

I just love the last sentence of the article. Tom Monzo states"If you follow the advise in the safety report,you'll have an even playing field:Neither of you will have an advantage or a disadvantage."
There's more at stake than politician's flyers on this playing field. The people's voice is at stake. Freedom of speech would be given up.

How even of a playing field would it be if the whole committee consisted of people that were being bought off and selling our town out from under us and we were forced into silence by laws.

Anonymous said...

Tom Monzo's hypocracy, who once served as Mullica's Democratic Party Mayor, just goes to show you that neither party has a lock on integrity nor a lack thereof and voters need to vote on the principles of the respective candidates and not along party lines.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the club will resurrect Tom Monzo for committee next year.

Anonymous said...

Re 11:29 AM-Monzo, like "the idiot" Bill Kennedy, switched parties after they got elected as Democrats. Both of them deceived the voters by running as one party and then jumping to another. This is an obvious example of Tom Monzo's lack of integrity and objectivity.

Anonymous said...

Neither Chasey nor Forman suggested requiring the residents to wear safety vests anywhere else in the Township, in places where the possiblity of being hit by a vehicle is a much greater possiblity, such as at the rec fields, where roads separate the various playing fields and the Pine Cone Zone. It is obvious to me that the real reason for requiring the unnecessary wearing of vests outside the dump was to somehow justify their unsucessful attempt to shut down the dump from campaigning there, which was for for pure political reasons. The subsequent idea of requiring one to wear a safety vest was their duplicitous way of trying to obscure their real intentions and the current committee just blew their smokescreen.