Monday, October 18, 2010


Jim Curcio, current Atlantic County Freeholder Chair and candidate for County Surrogate was caught on camera molesting an opponent's campaign sign recently.  This comes on the heels of Curcio's arrest for suspicion of DUI and myriad other charges.

Curcio's sign-stealing tactics should be no surprise.  He is vigorously supported by many in the Mullica Republican Club, the same group that has been rumored for years to steal and damage their opponents' signs.

Curcio's documented sign antics, coupled with his automatic conviction for refusing a breath test during his recent arrest, beg this question:  how many Republicans will simply pull the lever for Curcio and ignore his contempt for the law?  And, as a prosecutor, how can Curcio be expected to vigorously seek justice for those who break the very laws that he cannot obey himself?   


Anonymous said...

Repectfully, I think that the photo shows Curcio putting up his opponent's campaign sign in front of his own. Secretly, Jim is a big supporter of the other Jim, Jim Carney, as he should be.

Anonymous said...

I already saw that the Democrats' signs are being defaced here in Mullica. I was really hoping that this criminal behavior of the past would be over. It goes to show that the thug mentality is still alive and well.
It would be nice if someone in town would catch the culprits on a surveillance camera and bring the evidence to the police.

The only thing that surprises me about this picture is that Curcio did the dirty deed himself. He could have sent his chauffeur to get it.

Anonymous said...

Jim, you have to learn from Mullica's Republican Club candidates and let your minions do the dirty work for you.

Anonymous said...

Any R who can vote for this scumbag after his troubles is just drinking the KoolAid (maybe with Vodka, how Jimmy C. likes it). Even if you don't like his opponent, your better off not voting for anyone than voting for Curcio. One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

He probably didn't let his chauffeur get out of the car because he had a quick get-away planned.

Anonymous said...

Gee, that 2' X 2' sign is almost as big as Curcio.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Jim should have taken a breathalyzer test when he was caught taking down that sign. Jim, in broad daylight? Are you losing it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's just drunk again and needs that sign for support as he glazed at his future going down the drain.

Charles Freedumb said...

Let me explain, this picture is being taken out of context. Recently, in Atlantic County, Paramount Pictures has been filming a sequel to the Wizard of Oz. This picture is of Jim as one of the munchkins right before the flying monkeys pick him up and carry his drunken ass back to Hammonton....I mean, the castle.

Anonymous said...

what a piece of crap

Anonymous said...

A sad picture of the guy. It looks like he's really trying to rob the surrogate pension since he can't have 5 or 6 funded pensions anymore.

Anonymous said...

"Gee, that 2' X 2' sign is almost as big as Curcio." 9:38pm post.
Napolean Jim must think that he's above the law.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people will think twice about touching political signs. Nobody will know if they're being photographed.
There seems to be no end to Curcio's bad behavior. I would still like to know why he didn't have a license when he was caught driving drunk. He was "working on that". He never said how or why he was "working" to get a license.

Anonymous said...

He has really lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw him. His secret must be a liquid diet.

Anonymous said...

I never realized how very short he is. Look at that sign in relationship to his legs. Just look at it. I wonder if he has to stand on a box to reach the microphone in court when he's prosecuting all those criminal drunk drivers. If so,have we,the taxpayers,also paid for all for multiple boxes in each municipality that he collects pensions from?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know who Curcio hired to handle the drunk driving charge? If this guy gets off with a slap on the hand,I want to know what legal firm can work miracles.

Anonymous said...

Would you want to trust this guy with YOUR will or appoint administrators or trustees for your estate????

How about leaving it up to him to select a guardian for your kids????

Does this photo or Curcio's past legal problems represent a future JUDGE of the Surrogate Court????

If he's elected,you can thank all the people who are proudly displaying his signs and will ignorantly follow straight party lines.


Anonymous said...

Based on Curcio's latest antics, Jim has no intention of pulling out of the race because of his DUI. What a mockery he makes of our DUI laws, which he enforced as a municipal prosecutor. Jim, have you no shame?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Curcio will find some legal way to deduct the chauffeur expenses from his business taxes. Maybe he'll try to stick the county taxpayers for that bill,too

Anonymous said...

He shouldn't have been driving without a license even during a sober moment. His lack of common sense and pure arrogance for the law is astounding.

Anonymous said...

If this guy wins this election either the machines are fixed or the majority of Atlantic County voters are brain dead.

Raymond Burr said...

When does he go to court?????