Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Route 542 Detour

Each morning a road crew comes and puts up the detour signs for the road work on Rt. 542, and each afternoon they take them down. Interestingly, it seems that for several days now there has been no one working on the road that would warrant its closing. (I drove the whole length of the detour area this morning and the only work vehicle was a front end loader on the side of the road with some asphalt and shovels in it. It was not blocking the road and the workers were sitting in woods in the shade. )

In the meantime people unaware of the fact that the road is not really closed are wasting many gallons of gas to get to their destinations and the businesses on 542 are suffering, especially the little farm market on the curve of the road.

Perhaps our Mayor or Mrs. Chasey (since she seems to have county connections) could get this straightened out for residents and those just passing through. This is a ridiculous situation!!


Anonymous said...

Try living on Moores Ave. between 7and 8:00 A.M., and 3-4:00 P.M., where the normally serene environment is disturbed by cars, pickups, business and farm vehicles racing up the posted 30-mph road at 50 to 70-mph. No Mullica police officers lying in wait to protect our children, pets the other residents or these dangerous drivers from themselves, as well as make some money to help pay the taxes either. "Road Closed" signs up, and no one working on the road. The new electric poles have been in the ground since the beginning of the work, and are still unfinished. Who's in charge here?

Anonymous said...

A great example of your tax dollars at work!
Cathy Chasey has TOO many connections with the County and I doubt very highly that she would risk complaining to them about their inefficiency.
She wouldn't sign the letter to the County about all the trash their mowers were cutting up and blowing into the woods. She suggested that we form volunteer groups to pick up the trash and relieve the County of their responsibility.
She could care less about the wasted gas,the farm market or the inconvenience of the people.

Anonymous said...

I think that township should pass an ordinance requiring pedestrians walking on Moores Avenue to wear brightly colored vests for their own safety. Problem solved for the township.

Anonymous said...

I had a man in a white van screaming at me that i'm not allowed to do back to my property because they have a job to do. It was already paved and not much work going on anyway.the man worked for the county