Monday, August 17, 2009


Press right about Mullica's attack on free speech

From the Press of Atlantic City, published Monday, August 17, 2009

The Aug. 7 editorial, "Free speech in Mullica/Bad law resurfaces," was right on target. Former mayor and current Mullica committeeperson Kathy Chasey has been lobbying Mullica's Township Committee for the past two years to prohibit campaigning outside our waste transfer station, where people bring their trash, ever since her challengers began to use the location to have their voices successfully heard by the residents.

During these two years, both Republican and Democratic majorities on committee have repeatedly rejected her bid due to First Amendment concerns.

Citing an unsubstantiated and flawed safety report and unproven claims, Chasey finally got a majority on committee to agree to restrict free speech outside our transfer station. It will not stand; it will either be successfully challenged in court by some aggrieved party, or it will be repealed next year, when a new committee is in office.

Her allegations of safety concerns are disingenuous. Chasey has regularly campaigned for herself and for her party's candidates outside the transfer station during election time, even having her husband sleep there on those weekend nights leading up to elections in order to reserve the preferred exit for her use. The litmus test will be if Chasey herself is again seen standing outside Mullica's transfer station this election cycle. Based on her contention that she is acting in the name of safety and to relieve the taxpayers of potential liability, her presence there will only prove her to be a hypocrite.





Mullica Township


Anonymous said...

This is what is referred to as calling a spade a spade.

Anonymous said...

This is the ordinance that Kennedy voted for without even reading it, giving Chasey and Forman the majority that they needed.

Anonymous said...

This letter in rebuttal,plus the Press articles,plus the meetings show how Cathy Chasey will try to mislead the public and spin the truth every chance she can get.
Enough already! It's time for her to go!

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I read the part about Kathy sending her husband to camp out at the dump so she could get first dibs at the exit. Maybe Rex just got tired of doing this for her.

Anonymous said...

"Her allegations of safety concerns are disingenuous"- Great observation!

"Her presence there will only prove her to be a hypocrite"- Correct hypothesis!

Having her husband sleep at the "dump"on weekend nights to reserve her spot - Priceless!

Anonymous said...

She finally got the majority vote because of Bill Kennedy,who didn't even read the report and obviously knows nothing about the ordinance other than what Chasey and Forman tell him.
So Chasey and Forman will interpret this ordinance anyway they want for the rest of us.
It will be a sad day for Mullica if this "bad law" gets passed.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic response was very well written and it had to be done to le the public know what really is going on here.
While Chasey can try to bring her supporters in to town meetings, not renew the Comcast tapings, and to dismiss all contributors to Gadfly as "troublemakers" she cant hide not ignore the Press. This ordinance is the most abusive and arrogant display of the contempt and fear they have for those who dont kneel and to be a threat to Chaseys lifetime dictatorship plans.. Thanks for keeping the public informed during all this.Can we assume that Bruce Crow agrees with what Chasey is doing ?He'll be taking a lot of heat for this issue when he campaigns although he doesnt seem to be involved in this yet.

Anonymous said...

Not a trouble maker just stating a fact- Time for you to go. As Larry said time after time, don't like they way your ELECTED representative is treating you then VOTE them out!