Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mullica committee approves 'assembly' ordinance

Posted in the Press of Atlantic City, Wednesday, August 26, 2009-Rob Spahr, Staff Writer

After months of public debating and accusations, the Township Committee passed a controversial "Parades and Public Assemblies" ordinance by a 3-2 split vote Tuesday night that will regulate where the public can gather on public property.

People or groups wanting to hold a "special event" on township property will now be forced to apply for a permit 30 days before their gathering and provide proof of liability insurance 10 days prior to the event. Any request for a permit can be denied "at the discretion of the township," which will have the authority to revoke any permit.

The Republicans on the Township Committee - Mayor Janet Forman, Deputy Mayor William Kennedy and Committeewoman Kathy Chasey - all voted in favor of the ordinance.

Democratic Committeemen Michael St. Amour and Bernard Graebener voted against it.

Discussion on the ordinance inevitably reverted back to the debate over whether it was intended to restrict politicking at the township's waste transfer station.

Forman said she was "very disheartened" that the ordinance became such a political issue, when in her opinion it was always a safety and liability issue.

Forman even asked Chief Financial Officer Dawn Stollenwerk to verify publicly that the ordinance was the result of a recommendation from the township's Joint Insurance Fund and was never a request from Forman or Chasey, which Stollenwerk confirmed.

St. Amour said he believed JIF representatives did suggest the township take steps to improve the safety of people gathering on public property. But he argued that the interpretation of that suggestion got "out of control" in an attempt to curtail political activity at the transfer station.

Township Solicitor Doug Cody inserted a clause into the ordinance following its initial introduction that excludes gatherings of political discourse, debate or other similar activity from the ordinance.

The only restrictions to this addendum are that people gathering at the waste transfer station must do so at the facility's exit. They would also have to wear brightly-colored vests.

These restrictions were recommended in a JIF loss control report last month.


Anonymous said...

It appears from reading this article that the insurance company and the township employees are instrumental in making policy and not the committee. Kathy and I didn't have anything to do with it, right Dawn?, says our mayor, washing her hands of the whole matter.

Anonymous said...

Forman said she was "'very disheartened' that the ordinance became such a political issue". This was a political issue from the beginning, two years ago, when Chasey first brought it up to stifle her opponents who were running against her, and Forman knows it. They continually held out for a total ban until two recent critical Press editorials forced them to concede.

Anonymous said...

I think they should have everyone at the dump wear colored vest, but last week only one person was wearing a vest. Of the two bosses on the road crew neither work on the weekend to supervise there workers.

Anonymous said...

Reading the article made me ask myself, "who's in charge here?"

Anonymous said...

From what we have seen in the past and in this instance Dawn seems to have all the brains and usually goes to bat for the incompetent ones. Lets make her the Mayor since she is already in charge of the town and does all the work while the KFC team act like the 3 stooges.

Anonymous said...

How having a different solicitor changes things.
From last year's Press article:
The road is maintained by the county, as is several feet of grassy shoulder, and Township Solicitor Norman Zlotnick was asked to consult county officials about legal precedent. He was told the use of township property is the township's business, Zlotnick said, though the township similarly would not have jurisdiction over roadside campaigning.

Anonymous said...

What a weak mayor. "We aren't responsible. Help me out here, Dawn."

Anonymous said...

So JIF says that there not their recommendations and Kathy and Janet say they are. Who do you believe?

Anonymous said...

As long as you are not standing on township property, you can campaign outside the gates of the dump without interference. The town's jurisdiction ends at its property line.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the conviction of Mayor Forman's husband for almost running down her political opponent out side the dump influenced her attempt to try to close it down for campaigning. Now she can say, see, it wasn't Glen's fault, it was just an unsafe situation waiting for an accident to happen.

Anonymous said...

This sounds so much like homeland security. We're taking away your freedoms for your own protection.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone need to wear a "brightly colored vest" in the middle of the day, standing twelve feet off the road? What is the purpose?

Anonymous said...

Let"s look at the bright side everybody. In only 4 months,Forman will be off the Committee forever.
We can only hope that the same will be said of Chasey in Nov.
Let's all work hard to bring sanity back to our town and get people in who care about the citizens of this town and not the developers,insurance companies,the special interest people and "friends".

Anonymous said...

Once again, Forman and Chasey have managed to bring embarrassment to Mullica. They couldn't get their way, to stop Chasey's opponents from having their voice heard, so they go blame it all on JIF. Kennedy doesn't know JIF the insurance company from JIF the peanut butter. Can't believe they picked JIF over the taxpayers, but I guess the Mayor IS a choosy mother.