Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Recent independent postings on Keep Mullica Green and A New Day for Mullica both seem to dispel the sitting Republican committee members' myth about tax savings from new ratables in Mullica. Both postings use specific circumstances to make valid points and educate voters. These are must-reads for anyone who is not clear about the tax contributions and viability of businesses on the White Horse Pike.

These postings demonstrate how Graebener, St. Amour, Polk and Gabris are educating voters rather than speaking in empty platitudes.


Anonymous said...

It is indeed a myth and has been the pitch for every election about bringing in rateables to lower taxes. The reality is that the money is always spent by the KFC team to keep their friends loyal to them. Does the town get money for the cell tower on Moss Mill Road?I think that was the same tower the EFC wanted and would have recieved a rent fee so I assume the town gets one. Rateables in terms of commercial businesses are not the answer to keeping taxes in line. The answer is to control spending and reading the bill list and saying "no" to requests and realizing that the towns money is actually property of the taxpayers and our leaders must regard it as such. A lot of new homes have been built since the casinos entered the scene but our taxes continue to go up and up. Why not look into trying to get that empty huge never completed Devonshire Inn eyesore either sold or torn down. It sends a bad message to any would be commercial developers.

Anonymous said...

The Republicans each election cycle have spread the false rumor that the Democrats are anti-development, ergo the reason why so few businesses come to Mullica. On the contrary, if this allegation was to hold any water, based on the dearth of new commercial development in Mullica for the past fifteen years when the Republicans have been in power for 14 of those years, it would follow that it was the Republicans who were either anti-business or at least incompetent in attracting new ratables. In some cases, the Republicans have been known to block or stymie new businesses from coming to Mullica when they would compete against other current business owners and members of their own political club. The incidents of the all-Republican committee not granting municipal towing licenses to others to protect Mullica's two prominent Republican club members' towing companies comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the writer who says that the real answer is to control spending and saying no to unjustified requests for money. Unfortunately, many spending decisions are often ultimately made to buy the votes of one group or another to win elections. Saying no loses these votes. Since the majority of Mullica's taxpayers don't bother to vote, the focus is on those who have a personal financial stake as to how the money is being spent because they do vote and can easily swing an election.

Anonymous said...

Chasey's plan is to rezone and expand Elwood to permit townhouses and apartments there so that more commercial ratables can also come into Mullica. All she needs is Bruce Crowe on committee to help her out. She already has Kennedy on board with this, who sees a benefit in needing to hire additional police to combat the expected crime wave. We also have heard realtor Forman make the argument that our schools need to be filled with more students to lower the per capita cost to educate them and that more residential housing is desirable for this reason. This is no joke. This is how these people think.

Anonymous said...

Big spender Janet Forman would like nothing more than to keep raising people's taxes so that there is more of a housing turnover in Mullica and she can make commissions as move people move away to low-tax South Carolina or Tennessee. She has voted for every tax increase since she has been in office. Someday she'll move away too, citing the high taxes in Mullica that she helped to create.