Monday, July 06, 2009


While many readers of the Gadfly may have missed two very timely articles (both articles are posted below with links to the Press of Atlantic City website) in the Press of Atlantic City over the holiday weekend, apparently the hosts of Keep Mullica Green did not. Their post from Sunday night reminds Mullica's residents of some of the questionable decision-making by de facto Mayor Kathy Chasey, decisions that Keep Mullica Green charges go against the desires and interests of Mullica's residents.


Anonymous said...

I recall our township prosecutor at the time, Jim Curcio, having to be constantly prodded by the public to get the judge make Waszen pay his late fines for dumping in Mullica. It seemed as though our officials were handling this guy with kid gloves for some odd reason.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that the age-restricted housing plan was a scheme to bring subsidized housing on a large scale to Mullica, with the rest of us taxpayers getting stuck with much of the bills for serving the new residents. With NJ currently with a 17-year surplus of age-restricted housing stock and this new legislation in place, this clearly could have happened to us and Mrs. Chasey could once again say "who knew?".

Anonymous said...

Waszen was also ordered to reforest the infamous property but somehow that order was lost,forgotten or dropped by the Officials.

Anonymous said...

RE 1:09 Pm
...."handling this guy with kid gloves"....!!
Just look at all the taxpayer money Chasey and Forman spent investigating Waszen's property for him. It was estimated to be around $20,000. That was money that Waszen should have paid out of his own pocket if he wanted to present a plan to the town.
How much of that money was paid to Mcquire to discuss the plan with Atlantic City's own "gut shooting" Barbera? His business dealings landed him in jail.
Our "Ladies" were dealing with some really bad characters. Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re 5:54 pm
In an E-mail,Lee Moore, a spokesman for the Attorney General's Office said that Waszen and Magic Disposal still owe about 4.2 million dollars as of March.
I guess Chasey and Forman wanted to help out their good old buddy and spend OUR money on his property plans to give him a break.
They must have owed him a favor after they failed to get the Gargage Rail Transfer Station pushed through.

Anonymous said...

100 violations,hundreds of tons of trash,cardboard and other waste in open piles,rats,flies,health and safety problems,air pollution,poor water drainage were some of the violations. Add to that the truck traffic, noise and road damage that Mullica would have sustained if the concerned citizens of this town didn't protest.
Cathy Chasy's main concern was trying to get our "NO DUMP IN MULLICA" signs REMOVED. She was quite upset when the news of the rail transfer station leaked out to the citizens of Mullica. It looks like she was trying to slide Waszen and his monstrous mess in and then tell the people that there was nothing she could do about it.
After that she wanted to allow 6 homes per acre on Waszen's property but found out that was "spot zoning". Her solution to help Waszen was to try to rezone all 350 acres of Elwood Village. Even recently she has tried to expand Elwood Village. What are her future plans for the center??

Let's not find out!!! VOTE HER OUT!!!

Anonymous said...

Cathy wanted us to believe that she was doing everything that she could to stop the dump. She also did every thing she could to stop the No Dump effort. It seemed that she could not decide whose side she was on. She wanted the residents to believe that she was on their side only she kept working against them. I think the best description is two faced, liar hoping to keep fooling folks. I think that we have had more than enough of her lies. Spread the word that she needs to go.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Magic Disposal own all the latrines at the Rec Field? Maybe someone in charge should call to have them emptied now before the EPA takes away the hauling license.
How did they get the job? Was that one of Chasey and Forman's no bid contracts for their "extremely reputable waste hauler" friend?

Maybe the police should follow his trucks out of town to make sure he doesn't try to dump his crap in Mullica ever again.
That grant for restrooms came just in time. Can they be built within 45 days?

Anonymous said...

The port-a-john business is owned by another Waszen, a cousin, I think. I don't believe that he has any business relationship with Steve Waszen.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the facts show that Chasey was and continues to be under considerable political pressure to deliver a profitable outcome for Waszen and his associates, at a cost to the community. We can stand by and find out or elect her opponents in the upcoming election. Chasey has been in office long enough. Its time to say goodbye and elect some new blood that doesn't have her baggage to lug around.

Anonymous said...


Time to go!

Anonymous said...

Re 12:45 pm
You're right, it's time for Chasey to go. That would put an end to all of Waszen's schemes to ruin this town. We need people in office who actually care about the people who live here and not the one's who are trying to make a quick profit and change our environment.