Saturday, June 27, 2009


In the latest posting on Keep Mullica Green, the desperation of Kathy Chasey's re-election bid comes to the forefront.

Both Chasey and Foreman, the last ten minutes, during public discussion, as seen on the Mullica News video from the June 23rd committee meeting shows how little regard they have for the people of this town. Most parents wouldn't accept this behavior from their own children, let alone grown adults who are supposed to be professionals and elected officials. It's an embarrassment to Mullica Township and a slap in the face to all the residents in our community.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice if Chasey didn't go through her mail every time a resident who she doesn't agree with is speaking during the public comment portion of the meetings. It shows her ignorance and is just plain rude. She's supposed to be representing the community and her inattention reflects poorly on her role as a committee woman.
Also, what a relief it is that Mullica's sixth, unelected committee man, Tim Maguire, is no longer helping Chasey to run the committee meetings. He was much more than the township's solicitor, often directly arguing with the public at the meetings and acting as though he was another committee member. No one on committee ever tried to stop him either.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gabri was RUDE at the meeting to the ladies. He was screaming and had to be gaveled down Is that what the people in our town have to look forward to ? If Mr Gabri is going to use Township meetings to try to give it, then he outa be prepared to take it.

Anonymous said...

Checked out the video after I saw 4:41's post. That one must have come from the video, Gabris makes some comments, then prepares to return to his seat when Chasey (I think) calls him back by asking when he changed his mind(?). When Gabris protested whatever Chasey was saying, he was gaveled down. It seemed like the mayor or Chasey gaveled him because they didn't like what they were hearing.

4:41 says Gabris was rude to the ladies. Not true, because there is nothing lady-like about those two women. Chasey and Forman are again giving Mullica a bad name. The rest of the county laughs at Mullica thanks to these women.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Gabris rude? Not looking at someone when someone is speaking to them or shutting their eyes when answering someone is RUDE and is a classic Chasey move. Also, interrupting someone mid-sentence by shouting over them is rude, again, what Chasey did.

The only reason he was "gaveled down" is because they try to silence anybody who disagrees with them.

Anonymous said...

I would think that Chasey and Forman reviewed all the paperwork on those properties before they put them up for sale.
It looked like they were waiting to attack Gabris if he spoke about the properties. Chasey "remembered" alot of details from a report that was made years ago and cannot be found. She was loud,rude and insulting to Gabris and made an effort to discredit him. Forman showed her low class nature with her sarcastic remarks to him about the DEP.
It's common sense that Gabris would stand up and give his professional opinions only if he knew the true history of the properties and his past recommendations on them.

Anonymous said...

Re 9:05pm
That gavel should have been used at other meetings when people were yelling from the back of the room and being disruptive. Forman has a built-in mind set of selective enforcement. I'm sure she didn't want the controversy out that these land sales could be interperted as being against the basic concept of the township's zoning ordinance.
Both Chasey and Forman were nasty and defensive and I do believe that Gabris's old report conveniently got lost.

Anonymous said...

VOTE THE BUMS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chasey and Foremans' reactions to Gabris' comments show one thing. They are running scared. It appears that someone in the zoning office is destroying important documents. Foreman blames Gabris for "diming her out' to the DEP when she knowingly covered wetlands and started constructing the Taj Mahal of garages. This garage and where it was built was quite obvious to any passerby. (Do you really believe that it was not going to be a residence of some kind? ) Now the zoning official is apparently giving out permits to others doing the same thing. Using a word coined by the 4:41 commenter, I think Chasey "outa" be voted out of office in November.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Forman's hammering away of the gavel to drown out Anthony Gabris was not only inappropriate behavior but the three committeemen should have immediately intervened to insist that proper decorum be maintained by the chair.

Anonymous said...

Chasey is fighting for her political life. She is holding out hope that the Rs take control of NJ in November so that she can secure some kind of appointed position. She is up Denny L's butt for his help getting some kind of big pension job. She doesn't care about Mullica, only about helping herself to a big, fat pension paycheck. Weight and see.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the person who filed the complaint with the DEP against Forman for her "garage" was "life's going to be a lot easier from now on" Larry Angel.

Anonymous said...

The role of the head of committee is to conduct the meetings with impartiality. If Forman can't do it, she should step aside and let her deputy mayor run the meetings for her.

Anonymous said...

Forman and Chasey's attack on Gabris seemed to be personal. If he would have did their bidding as the zoning officer,he probably would have gotten the monster raises and multi-year contract they gave his untrained replacement.
You have to ask why they would hire someone with no training or schooling. Forman got her permit for the "garage" and he got his raises. Now that the DEP is involved both the Formans have come out publicly ripping apart the zoning officer and yet no effort has been made to remove this person from office.
Now it comes out that another garage in town is under DEP investigation. How many more mistakes are Forman and Chasey going to be responsible for?
It's their guy causing the people in this town countless amounts of money and aggravation just because Forman tried to get her way and violate the law.

Anonymous said...

Re 4:41 pm
It is my opinion that you didn't even watch the video. Mr Gabris was giving his opinion on the land sales when he got attacked and slandered by those two malicious,deceiving women.
If anybody reading this is a Twp. employee, I would suggest that you make copies of all your dealings with these two "officials" so you have a record when they decide to throw you under the bus.
I'm sure everything you ever did is neatly placed in their vendetta files.