Monday, June 15, 2009


Keep Mullica Green recently posted the letter (link to KMG letter) written by Bernard Graebener and Michael St. Amour asking the county to pick up trash along the county roads in Mullica. The letter, which seems innocent enough, led to a sharp response from Dennis Levinson's toady, Gerald Del Rosso. Keep Mullica Green further details how Comitteeperson Kathy Chasey is "comfortable" with trash in Mullica.


Anonymous said...

It was the "comfortable with the trash" statement by Kathy Chasey at a committee meeting, in the presence of a reporter who was in the audience, that set forth the original Press article. The subsequent Press article was a result of the Press receiving copies of the county's response and the original township letter, both of which were sent to the Press from the county.

Anonymous said...

What about Route 612, a.k.a. Weekstown Road or "Dump" road. It is a county road with more trash than the two listed roads combined.

Anonymous said...

At one time the town picked up litter left on Weekstown Rd after the weekend trash days but the county complained and the town backed down and stopped doing it.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice of the day workers could walk down Weekstown Road when the dump closed at 2PM to pick up the trash left there by inconsiderate residents who do not properly secure their garbage before taking it there, much of it due to the overloading of their vehicles and not using bags.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered that perhaps the township never contacted the county about the trash in the first place because Mayor Forman may have instructed the staff to ignore Graebener's and St. Amour's concerns since the county denies receiving any such calls?

Anonymous said...

The county needs to take better care of its roads, particularly where there is much through traffic and no one else is picking up the litter. Most home owners regularly police their own property lines and there are also some stretches of unpopulated roadway that civic-minded people keep clean. We're not talking about the county having to maintain the entire county road system in Mullica, just a relatively small portion of it. Chasey's excuses for the county don't cut it.