Wednesday, June 24, 2009

6/23/09 Committee Meeting up on Mullica News

Mullica News has the committee meeting from last night (6/23/2009) up on their site for viewing.

Click link to view the video


Anonymous said...

See our Mayor Forman trying to smear Anthony Gabris by misquoting him and making wild accusations and Chasey insistently recalling the particulars of a ten-year-old zoning department report written by Gabris that conveniently has gone missing so that her statements can't be corroborated.

Anonymous said...

re 12:18 pm
Chasey said that maybe Simon remembers the report. Wasn't Simon the one who destroyed 20 years of records to cover up what was said in executive sessions and according to Larry, it was Chasey's big idea. I guess that's Chasey's mindset. If something doesn't fit into her plans,she just gets rid of the facts and spins her own story.

Anonymous said...

Forman made some really bad comments about the DEP to Gabris. She and Chasey showed a bit of their true characters at the end of this meeting.

Anonymous said...

I cannot understand how a report just "disappears" when convenient. I also cannot fathom how Ms. Chasey remembers a 10 year old report verbatim, including other addresses, exact lot sizes. Sounds like someone read the report fairly recently.

Maybe an abandoned dog is in the Chasey home and the police should check it out. The report is probably sitting on her kitchen table.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we have a copy of the recommendation to sell the land. Gabris will be made out to be the rat and liar that he really is.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, hold up...what do you mean "maybe we have a copy of the recommendation"? "We" could only be a township employee or an elected official. It would be hard to believe that a township employee would put themselves in harm's way with this posting...which leaves only our Mayor, Janet Forman, or former mayor Kathy Chasey.

If they had a copy, they would be sure to put it out there right away to try to make their case against Mr. Gabris. This has the odor of the usual Chasey and Forman whisper campaign. If they lie enough, the sheep that follow them will believe it.

When you read the posting, with the names "rat" and "liar" in it, it looks more like Forman's mean-spirited handywork than Chasey.

Hey Chasey, your lawless sidekick is at it again. You'd better reign her in before she does more damage. She has nothing to lose, BUT YOU DO.

Anonymous said...

If you have a copy, why not put it up unless of course the 12:30 poster is making it all up.