Saturday, May 30, 2009

Township Land Sale Results

Block 10818, Lot 17 was sold to Ms. Eilene Moore of Elwood for $26,400. Block 10818, Lot 18 was sold to Mr. James Fifth of Elwood for $26,400.


Anonymous said...

There was an editorial in last Thursday's Press warning about these quick fixes of selling off township property for more homes, quoting EHT Mayor Sonny McCullough, who does not want to see public land sold to developers, citing his observation that increases in residential development burdens schools and township services (and causes higher property taxes for the rest of us).
Here in Mullica, where building lots typically sell for $100,000 or more in the open market, we sold two lots for a fraction of their normal value and under dubious circumstances, our mayor citing the benefit of helping fill up our schools, which have be losing enrollment in recent years as Mullica's general population ages.
The amount of any ratable revenue gotten these two new homes will inevitably be offset by the increase in costs to educate the children in these houses and undoubtedly will add to Mullica's COAH requirement. This shift in policy to sell township property for new houses sets a bad precedent. Let's learn from the lesson of EHT and take Sonny McCullough's advice.

Anonymous said...

The last statement writer has taken Mayor McCulloghs statements as they pertain to EHT and compared them to Mullica. Doing that is a distortion and not a comparision.Hundreds of undeveloped acres vrs. 3 pre-exisiting building lots? Not the same thing.I don't believe our Mayor wanted to sell those 3 lots to "fill the school", rather, selling lots for two or three new residences would not overburden the school, which has seen an unbelievable enrollment decline over the last 10 years. I don't believe your last paragraph is true either, not with the cost to educate or the COAH requirement being adversely affected. I believe the formula for COAH is just the opposite , the less you development you have the more COAH will require, not the other way around. Also, the amount of Township property to be sold is not even in the same universe, hundreds of acres in the other towns compared to two or three lots here in Mullica. AND obviously the two lots were worth what they were worth, no big bidding wars went on, and the third lot didn't sell at all. I don't consider the move to sell the lots (that were about to lose all value as building lots) as a bad move, rather I think it was quite a proactive move that brought over 50k into the township with out costing the taxpayers a dime.

Anonymous said...

To 10:42 post...why do you refer to "the Mayor" when we all know it is you, Linda Lovelace?

The Mayor blathers on and on about all she knows about real estate, then says no big bidding war? No sh! are all of your listings doing right about now in this economy? Any bidding wars?

Looks like one of her big supporters got himself a good deal. Should buy some cheap votes for Chasey for setting all of that up. You don't need to dig real deep figure this stuff out.

Anonymous said...

The 10:42 writer is lying through their teeth again. I have copied information from the state web site on COAH and have pasted it below. An important point is "If neither market rate units nor commercial development are built, affordable units do not have to be built, because no growth has taken place."

So, the more development, the more we have to provide affordable housing. And the comment about not costing the taxpayers a dime, selling land that is worth $100,000 and giving it away at $25,000 cost the taxpayers plenty-$75,000 per lot is what we the taxpayers of Mullica have lost on your deals!!!

COAH Fact ...What is affordable housing?

Affordable housing is housing that is available to people of moderate income at a reasonable price. It is often built as townhomes or apartments but might also be a modest, well-kept single-family home. A typical two-bedroom townhouse would sell for $81,000 and a typical two-bedroom apartment would rent for $700. A unit is generally considered affordable if the owner pays approximately 28% (30% for renters) or less of his/her gross income on housing costs. Housing costs include the base rent as well as the cost of utilities for renters and include mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and homeowner’s association fees for owners.
Who benefits from affordable housing?

What is growth share?

Growth share is a way to measure a municipality's affordable housing needs based on actual growth that takes place. Under growth share, one unit among every five housing units created in a municipality must be affordable; one affordable housing unit must be provided for every 16 jobs created in a municipality, measured by new commercial development. ... But keep in mind that a municipality is only responsible for building affordable housing when they have built market rate housing and commercial development. If neither market rate units nor commercial development are built, affordable units do not have to be built, because no growth has taken place.

Anonymous said...

RE: 10:42 post
The editorial speaks of 27 municipal lots being sold in EHT, which narrowly passed 3-2, just like in Mullica. It goes on to related how Hamilton Township is selling 15 lots. That's a far cry from 100s of acres that the poster alludes to.
And wasn't the one lot offered to a neighbor first so that there could be no competitive bidding?
Every new fifth house has to be COAH.
Two lots here, five there and another ten over that-a-way. They add up and help to fill up the school and burden the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

What it comes down to is that this is a reversal of Mullica's long standing policy not to sell township land for housing because it raises taxes for the rest of us and helps to alter our environment. First came the 25 acres of our property being sold to the police chief for the bargain price of $12,500. Now this. Listen to their weak excuses as they seek to avoid the issues: "It's only two houses." "It's for his kids to build on." "She's so happy to be able to move here." "It won't burden the schools." Expect the new policy to continue as long as Chasey, Forman and her intended replacement, Crowe, are in power as they sell buildable township property to help out their friends, if we let them.

Anonymous said...

Just keeps sounding like more and more "sour grapes" from our do nothing dems who think its ok to tax and spend rather than be innovative. Everyone I talked to said the land sale was a "no brainer". And I believe at one of the meetings it was said that with no new development, Mullica still had to be responsible for over 50 affordable units. SOOO, at this point and time, what does Coah have to do with these two lots again? I know your game and you are not fooling this taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

To are right, a "no brainer"---as in Chasey, Forman and their lackey Bill Kennedy are not using their brains. THIS voter is also not fooled by the Republicans' policy of pushing through whatever they can for their friends in the event that they might lose their power in the upcoming November election.

Chasey and Forman tried to stack the planning board with all of their own picks immediately following the campaign loss of Don Kehrli and Doug Laubert. This was an attempt to take away appointments from the newly elected Dems. They also hastily settled township employment contracts to further "buy" votes from their friends.

Chasey and Forman have proven, time and again, that they cannot be trusted. The land sales to their friends, like the police chief, are more proof that these two put their connected friends ahead of the rest of the taxpayers and residents. Can you imagine what they are going to pull if one or both of the Republicans lose in November?

Anonymous said...

At 1:19, the Mayor again tries to rationalize her misdeeds...funny watching her up Chasey's butt, wasn't it Forman who first referred to Chasey as the "bag lady"? Now they're tight? Chasey didn't forget what you said, Mayor, she's just using you for what she wants. Who do you think got the R Club to pull their support of you? You are an imbecile. And mugging up on the racist school board member and their racist spouse isn't helping your image any.

Anonymous said...

So, it according to the poster, if we already are behind 50 COAH units, why are we selling township land that will only increase this requirement? I can see it now, being forced to rezone Elwood for townhouses to meet our growing financial obligation to provide affordable housing and Ms. Chasey being outraged about just like she was about the dump. Or was this the plan all along?

Anonymous said...

Whoa, 50 COAH houses coming yet we're selling off the town's land cheaply to add more low-value homes? No impact on our schools and the taxpayers? Who is trying to fool who?

Anonymous said...

Didn't I read in the Press recently about EHT not meeting their COAH obligation and possibly being sued unless they did?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding???? No nothing democrats??? If it wasn't for the democrats, you repugs would have sold the township from under us and no one would be the wiser. One of their jobs has been to inform the community of what the repugs have been up too and to offer the 2 NO votes. They may not have won with the 2 votes on committee but they are speaking for many of us with those 2 votes. I can also assure you that the DEMOCRATS are working for us, the taxpayers of Mullica which the Repugs have not been doing. The repugs have been out for themselves and their buddies. We can all see it clearly now.

Anonymous said...

No brainer is right. Follow the sheep right over the cliff. The Democrats voted against the budget and the Republicans are the ones that gave the the huge salary increases to try and stay in power. Tax and spend has been Chasey, Forman and Kennedy. Innovative? Sellling taxpayer property worth $100,000 for $25,000 is not innovative, it is criminal.