Thursday, May 14, 2009

Susan Polk & Anthony Gabris on the Campaign Trail

From "The Egg Harbor News", May 13, 2009-Campaigning at the Township Transfer Station


Anonymous said...

Just a coincidence. JIF is making us do it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These 2 folks look pretty harmless and friendly to me. Not the threat to public safety the 3 stooges are claiming they need an ordinance for.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture of Anthony and Susan

Anonymous said...

How low can you go, sacrificing saftey for publicity, does this feel like deja vu all over again? Maybe one of them will lie and call the press and say they were run over. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Sue Polk and Anthony Gabris campaign at the dump last month. Their opponent Kathy Chasey, plus her two fellow Republicans on committee Janet Forman and Bill Kennedy, then support an ordinance that would stop them from doing this. Hmmm. Do I smell a couple of rats?

Anonymous said...

Re: 8:00 PM poster

The only thing that is low is ignoring the Constitution for your own benefit.

Do you want safety at the dump? Don't allow the mayor's husband to drive by there on weekends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I don't want to step on anyone's civil liberties," she (Forman) said. "But ... we have to make sure that [the incumbents are] the township is protected..."

Anonymous said...

Susan P. and Anthony G. seem genuine about their love of Mullica and the community as a whole.

Anonymous said...

I am so upset about this whole thing that I went to and became a card carrying member of the ACLU.
Chasey and Forman are trying to shut the whole town up. This Ordinance would make spontaneous rallies or protests by private citizens illegal.
If you don't see what a serious issue this is then you're not only a joke but a jerk. I'm sure there will be plenty of publicity about this when it goes to court and you can blame Chasey and Forman themselves for all the bad press they will get on this one.

Anonymous said...

Chasey has backed herself in a corner on this one. Even the Town attorneys wanted the amendment for free speech put in this unfair ordinance. The whole town is going to suffer from the loss of free use of our public land because Chasey wants to block her opponents right to free speech in this coming election.
I have no doubt that the politicans will win in court but our kids are going to be hurt by Chasey's malicious actions against Polk and Gabris.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Gadfly had a busy day. I can see another Press filled summer coming up. Hang in there everybody only 5 1/2 months to go before we get this town on the right track. If anyone read the front page of the Press today, maybe I should say the double track. Looks like we have a new choo-choo coming through.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone regard these folks as a threat to our safety. Heck the lady has a Peace sign on her tee shirt!!!
Id like to call the ones trying to stifle our freedom of speech and assembly fascist pigs but I would hate to insult the poor pigs. Oink! Oink! Oink!

Anonymous said...

Re7:50 pm
I think you're a bit confused on on the safety issues that have popped up this year after multiple decades of campaigning at the "dump". This is all a big plot for Chasey to find some way to block the competition during her election year.
The Press quoted Ed Barocas,legal director of the ACLU of N.J., who stated that "imposing the 30 day and insurance requirements would be CLEARLY unconstitutional if applied to such gatherings(politicking,protests,rallies,vigils.
Free speech will win in this case but the rest of the community will have to suffer with the restricted use of our public land all because of Chasey who is trying to manipulate the laws for her benefit.
This whole proposed Ordinance is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

RE 1:45 pm
If JIF stands for Joint Insurance Fund,are all the other towns covered by it,too? Are the rules the same everywhere?
Do other towns require 30 day advance applications and permits and insurance for 1 or 2 citizens to use public facilities for one day?
I just can't see how any other town would tell it's people that they can't have a picnic or take the kids for a walk in the park without a 30 day notice.
This proposed Ordinance should be explained better. Something's not right. How long has this town been covered by JIF? What changed?

Anonymous said...

What changed is that the Chasey team has been losing elections and now feel they cant monopolize the dump any longer. If they had done a coin toss,drew straws ,etc with the opposition as to who got the dump the last few weekends of the election things would have been fine regarding what team was allowed to be there each day. Even if the Democrats go through all thats required if this ordinance passes I'd bet Chasey gets the last weekend at the dump before elections anyway.

Anonymous said...

Re 12:33 pm
Chasey better not campaign at the dump. This whole Ordinance was her idea to block the competition and she had to put restrictions on the whole town to do it. I'm sure the 1st Amendment rights issue will win but the people in this town are not going to be happy seeing her there while they have to pay large sums of money and give a 30 day notice to walk in the park.
She went against the people of this town AGAIN for her own reasons.

Anonymous said...

Forman said we need something in place if someone gets hurt on Twp. property. Isn't that what we've been paying for all along? Do I need a 30 day advance application,permit and insurance to walk into the Town Hall to pay my taxes?
The poorer families in this town are going to be blocked out and the richer one's are going to be replenishing the coffers to help pay for all the great raises that Chasey and Forman negotiated. All the fees can help replace the raided reserves,too.
Make sure that after you wait 30 days and pay all that money to use a rec. area, that you drive there very slowly with your seat belt on and your cell phone closed. Your one great day in the gypsy moth park might cost you $500 or more.
I don't need any political literature to know who I'm voting for in November.

Anonymous said...

12:33 pm Anonymous said...
"Chasey better not campaign at the dump. This whole Ordinance was her idea"
I can already hear her embarrassed cackle as she stands out there greeting voters.