Saturday, May 09, 2009

Questions for the Twp Fire Companies

Atlantic County Fire Departments Total Call Report 2008

The Atlantic County Fire Departments Total Call Report for 2008 is out.
This is how Mullica Twp stacks up
Elwood Vol. Fire Company........................ 120 = 55%
Nesco Vol. Fire Company......................... 37 = 17%
Sweetwater Vol. Fire Company.................... 36 = 17%
Weekstown Vol. Fire Company..................... 24 = 11%

217 Total

I was wondering and though maybe this forum could answer my questions since I am new to the township.

1. Do the township fire companies receive taxpayer funds or are all of their monies raised through donations?

2. Is each fire company separate or do they operate from a single budget?

3. If they are all separate and receive township funds are they each funded equally or are they funded according to runs, etc., etc?

I was just wondering this because I noticed the the Elwood Co. runs more calls than the other three combined. I am thinking of joining one of the township fire companies (I kinda live in the middle of the township) so I did some research to find out who was the busiest & best funded but I could not find out anything on funding. I went back several years and Elwood was always twice as busy as the other three but I also want to join a company that's funding is on par with it's level of activity.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

You could go to the town hall and ask the clerk or attend the Twp. meeting at 7:00pm on Tuesday night and ask your questions.
You could also visit each Fire Dept. and talk to the men and find out where you feel the most comfortable.
Thank you for wanting to serve our community.

Anonymous said...

I think that the writer already knows the answer to his question.

Anonymous said...

Most that ask such questions already know the asnwers

Anonymous said...

Re: 8:12 & 11:04 poster

If YOU know the answer to the question, why don't you post it for the benefit of those who don't know the answer. What is it, something else the mayor and her friends are hiding?

Anonymous said...

Its the elephant in the living room.

Anonymous said...

The writer very clearly posted the stats, what was the question again?Oh, where should he/she join? Yea right.

Anonymous said...

To the poster
When you find out about the funding,please come back here and give us the facts you found out and your opinion on the matter.
Your call statistics were very informative and it would be interesting to let everyone know the answers to your questions.

Anonymous said...

Each fire company receives the same DONATION from the Twp of about $12,000+-. Roughly $50,000 is needed to operate.
Each Fire Comapny is seperate.
Elwood raises funds needed from fund drive, coin drop and a golf tournament they run (they share the money raised here with a local person ib medical need). For more information contact the individual fire company.

Anonymous said...

I think that the taxpayers pay for all the fire trucks, insurance and fuel too, in addition to the $12,000 stipend.

Anonymous said...

Based on this information, it is easy to see that the number of calls has no bearing on the amount of money that the town contributes to each fire company. A Weekstown FD call costs the taxpayers five times more than what an Elwood FD call costs them and over three times more for a Sweetwater or Nesco FD call.
Elwood has more active fund raising activities than the other fire companies combined to help cover their costs, including helping to park cars at the 4H Fair, which the previous writer forgot to mention.

Anonymous said...

It would make sense to fund the fire companies based on need instead of the same amount if the use is different. It Elwood is making most of the calls, Elwood should get most of the financial support. Wouldn't their equipment wear out most since they use it the most? Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Do these numbers include backup, accidents and forest fires in the area. I think no matter what all 4 companys stay open and operate after all our township is over 53 sguare miles and the little bit of money they get is well worth it. Let me be the first to THANK all the firemen in mullica without you people lose lives.

Anonymous said...

An alternative would be to consolidate the four fire companies into two or three cos so that they are better staffed and so that the available funds could be put to better use rather than unnecessarily having to buy additional equipment, which is very expensive.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the reporting numbers include all calls.

Anonymous said...

re: 4:44 PM-Did anyone mention in the original post the closing of any of the fire companies? I didn't see that mentioned in the question the person asked at all. The person asked about funding and how it's raised, no one mentioned closing any fire company.

Stop looking for trouble where there isn't any. Everyone is grateful to the VOLUNTEER firefighters. No one was putting down any of the fire companies at all.

JoAnn said...

Here are the answers to your questions.
At the 5/12/09 Twp. Meeting Mr. Kennedy gave the following explanations for the funding of the Fire Depts.
The Twp. gives each Dept. $14,750 plus insurance,fuel and supplies the tankers and pumpers.
The four Fire Depts. are an Association. They decide among themselves the way the money is divided.
If all four Fire Depts. decide that Elwood needs more money, they could go to the Committee and recommend that the Town go along with whatever division of money the Association feels appropriate.
It has been that way as long as Mr. Kennedy can remember,maybe 30 years or more.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our brave volunteers for serving our community. It's a scary,dangerous,demanding job that I know I wouldn't be able to do even if I was paid an extremely large sum of money.

Anonymous said...

However, there have been instances in which individual companies have gone directly to the town for additional funding - without going through the fire assoc.

Anonymous said...

the police are the only one's who do anything in this town