Monday, May 18, 2009



The Editor of the Press of Atlantic City is apparently siding with the position of Keep Mullica Green's Graebener and St. Amour when it comes to First Amendment Free Speech Rights in Mullica.

Please read below the very pointed article written in today's Opinion page in the Press of Atlantic City (Monday, May 18, 2009).

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech ... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

A proposed ordinance in Mullica Township says any people or group wanting to gather on public property must pay for a permit, which they must apply for 30 days prior to the gathering, and must provide proof of liability insurance 10 days prior to the gathering. The permit can be denied or revoked "at the discretion of the township."

We'd say there was a bit of conflict here between the First Amendment and this proposed ordinance. Such burdensome restrictions on free speech and the right to assemble are not likely to survive a legal challenge. The ordinance even specifically includes any "meeting" in its definition of applicable "special events" requiring a permit.

Unfortunately, although the ordinance was temporarily scrapped last week, two committee members plan to reintroduce it.

This issue comes up regularly. Towns faced with the prospect of a march or rally by some group they find abhorrent (or just annoying) quickly draw up a new law requiring expensive permits, proof of insurance and various other impediments to the gathering. Such laws have to be crafted very carefully to survive a court challenge. Most aren't - and most don't.

Mullica's ordinance, as originally proposed, does not come close, in our opinion. And according to one Democratic committeeman, it's all an attempt to curtail a long tradition in Mullica - political campaigning at the town dump.

Supporters, including Mayor Janet Forman, say that's not true - that the ordinance was prepared at the request of the Joint Insurance Fund that covers the city.

"I don't want to step on anyone's civil liberties," Forman said. "But if a thousand people want to stand in front of the dump for a vigil, we need something in place to make sure the township is protected if someone gets hurt."

But whatever the intent, any ordinance that requires 30 days of notice and proof of insurance for a political "meeting" on public property just isn't going to fly.
We suspect some miscommunication here. Certainly, the JIF can't require the township to do something that's clearly unconstitutional.

The township solicitor suggested an amendment to specify that a "special event" under the ordinance would "specifically exclude any public assembly or other gathering for the purpose of political discourse, debate or other similar expressive activity."

That would help, of course.

But Mullica is going down a tortuous path here for unclear reasons.

At the moment, the ordinance is dead. We suggest its supporters leave it that way.


Anonymous said...

"But Mullica is going down a tortuous path here for unclear reasons."
No, the reason is perfectly clear. And everyone is going to pay for it.

Anonymous said...

Don't these people take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution when they're sworn into office?

Anonymous said...

This is not the first time that Mullica's officials have been censured in a Press editorial for trying to subvert the free speech.

Anonymous said...

RE: 8:40 AM
And it probably won't be the last time if this crew stays in.

Anonymous said...

Didn't these same people try to enforce fees and permits for the No Dump signs a few years ago?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that the Press has made this issue one that need to be addressed. The general public in Mullica probably has no idea of what is going on. The whispering campaign will distort the issue while at the same time dismissing the Gadfly site which does post these issues as a malicious and evil site as they have in the past. The Axis of Evil will only give up if they realize they will lose the issue and the votes. Stollenwork and JIF will be blamed . All this money on this ordinance and they wont deal with all these caterpillers suddenly out again dropping their waste all over the place .

Anonymous said...

The intent of the ordinance is to insure that the public doesn't know what's going on in their own town.

Anonymous said...

Chasey and Forman have their own motives for this Ordinance. They wouldn't listen to the other Committeemen,the town solicitor,the people or the ACLU. Having the biggest newspaper in the county come out against their plans might make them realize what a mistake this is.

Anonymous said...

Chasey and Forman did take that oath to protect the Constitution but never bothered to read what it says. Chasey said that she is definitely going to reintroduce the same Ordinance and she thinks it's a "good one".
Our town dictator has the arrogance to think she's smarter than our Supreme Court Justices.

Anonymous said...

I love the part that states "We suspect some miscommunication here. Certainly, JIF can't require the township to do something that's clearly unconstitutional".

One can only wonder what information Chasey and Forman conveyed to JIF. Desperate people do desperate things in their quest for power. They prey on the uninformed people. Now there's word of the "whispering campaign" going on.
Everybody, go out and advertise the Gadfly to everyone you meet or see or anyway you can. Get the truth out there now.

Anonymous said...

Caterpillers? Money wasted on public safety? Axis of evil? Butterflies and la la...

Anonymous said...

They sure did try to stop the No Dump signs. They also protested the way the NO dump letters were thrown into peoples yards and called it littering. It is okay to have a massive trash transfer dump in Mullica where all the trash from Atlantic City can go, but no, you cannot tell the residents what is going on by throwing information into their yards and TAKE THOSE NO DUMP signs DOWN or ELSE!!!
So here we go again, NO, YOU CANNOT TALK TO MULLICA RESIDENTS AT THE DUMP. I DO NOT CARE IF IT IS ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO STOP THEM FROM TALKING!!! Kathy than smiles and says, Oh, of course you can have a birthday party or whatever you want at the rec field smiles, smiles, yes we will waive the $100 fee and the insurance. See, those democrats are lying again. I would never hurt the community in that way. You know me, smile, smile, I always loook out for you, smile. smile. Some still belive her lies AND VOTE FOR HER and than folks wonder, WHY ARE THEY LAUGHTING AT MULLICA AGAIN???

Anonymous said...

So, if the dems have their way, how much trash will they throw in my yard?

Anonymous said...

Re: 3:14 PM, I guess that's what the mayor sings every time she doesn't want to hear something.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ms.Lovelace, I'm sure you know alot about butterflies and birds. It's too bad your head isn't in the right place when it comes to the the town. You can keep humming your nasty little la la la but the people of Mullica can see your dirty little motives. Nobody's buying your performance anymore.

Anonymous said...

Re 4:57 pm
The Dems will be handing out their literature at the dump. I'm sure you will close your window,pretend not to see them and drive off in a hurry.
Believe or not, there are alot of people in this town who like to read the literature and talk to the candidates about problems in this town.
Since you're a Gadfly reader, I'm sure you know exactly what's going on in this town and who the people are that complain about valuable information being given to the public. Your facetious question places you in that group that does NOT respect the protections the Constitution gives to freedom of political speech and political literature.

Anonymous said...

When tyrants take over truth is always the first victim.

Anonymous said...

When are Chasey and Forman going to stop making idiots out of themselves and embarrassing the town with their statements?
I've seen and heard too much in this town to ever believe one word out of Chasey's mouth. She's been caught in too many lies and too many plots against this town and the only thing she should run for is a bus or cab for a one way trip out of here.

Anonymous said...

The Press seems to think that this proposed Ordinance doesn't come close to surviving a court challenge. Why would Chasey and Forman be stupid enough to reintroduce it? They can't win.

The Press said "At the moment,the Ordinance is dead. We suggest it's supporters leave it that way".
Some very good advice from some very smart people.
Chasey should just put this in her "failed plots" file which seems to expand every day.

Anonymous said...

RE:912 pm
I hope they do reintroduce the ordinance. That's a lot more free publicity. The Press is going to be all over this one. The bad press Chasey and Forman will get might wake up a few sleepers in this town.

Anonymous said...

There were 42 members in JIF as of Oct 2005:
Avalon, Brigantine, Buena, Buena Vista, Cape May, Cape May Point, Commerical, Corbin City, Deerfield, Dennis, Egg Harbor City, Egg harbor Twp, Estell Manor, Folsom, Galloway, Hamilton, Hammonton, Linwood, Longport, Lower Twp., Margate, Middle Twp., Millville, Mullica, Newfield, Northfield, North Wildwood, Ocean City, Pleasantville, Sea Isle, Somers Point, Stone Harbor, Upper Deerfield, Upper Twp., Ventor, Waterford, West Cape May, West Wildwood, Weymouth, Wildwood, Wildood Crest and Woodbine.

Mullica joined JIF in 1997 and must have qualified under the JIF requirements.
If JIF is demanding these changes in the ordinance here,are they requiring the same of all these other communities?
Wouldn't we have heard the outraged voices of all these cities and towns and read the massive press coverage it would have gotten?
Why would JIF single out poor little Mullica which has nothing but open land for recreation and a "dump" as a community center,for such harsh,burdensome,expensive restrictions of our property?
What did Cathy Chasey say to JIF that made THEM request these changes?
Did she tell them the truth that it's her election year and she had to block the competition anyway she could? She doesn't care about the strain this will put on the average family and it looks like the waivers for her friends will be no problem for JIF.
As the Press stated "We suspect some miscommunication here."

Anonymous said...

The idea of closing down the dump for campaigning goes back to 2007, when Chasey suggested it as a means to keep then unknown candidates Graebener and St. Amour from meeting voters there. But fellow Republican committee member Kerhli saw through the dishonesty and recognized the real intent of the ordinance and unexpectedly voted against Chasey and Forman and the bill died. Now with a more compliant, Republican Kennedy as their ally, its back on the front burner, coincidentally just as Chasey's whispering campaign against newcomers Polk and Gabris is getting started.

Anonymous said...

Its pretty obvious that Chasey with Foremans urging/backing went to JIF and created a story about "safety issues" then asked for their backing. They used JIF as the patsy to cover their own schemes. Has anyone besides the "inner circle" heard from JIF? Have they sent a representative to a town meeting?. Of course not!
As others have stated JIF was never brought into this campaign at the dump issue(over 10 years according to one of the posts)till Chasey started to lose elections. She is a meanspirited . cunning liar who hides behind the mask of a smile to keep the public from catching on.

Anonymous said...

Paranoid pups these democrats are!

Anonymous said...

Chasey is the mastermind, who is using Forman to do her dirty work for her.

Anonymous said...

I can see how if this political issue went to court,it would be thrown out but we would be left with all of the unfair fees and the 30 day advance application is is unreasonable. Chasey and Forman could use this law against any other group of people they didn't care for. Since this scheme is not going to work for the purpose Chasey intended, I hope she just drops the plan and doesn't punish the people with all the restrictions.

Anonymous said...

Right now the ordinance is dead. It would have to be reintroduced to the committee.
I would suggest that someone who has all the facts on this ordinance write up a flyer that can be given out at the dump now by a citizen's group.
I think the whole town should be made aware of what's going on.
Let everybody know about the fees and restrictions being placed on them by Chasey,Forman and Flunky.

Anonymous said...

The paranoid "pups" as you call them are Chasey and Forman,who happen to be Republicans.
They are the ones trying to block free speech and the competition.
That facts are showing that the Dems. are for open,fair,equal and honest government. Something this town really needs for a change.
Chasey is not the same person she was many,many years ago when I first voted for her or maybe she had me fooled for a long time,too.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now, a regular portion of the meetings where the committee members debate and decide which people should have their application fees waived, or not.

Anonymous said...

RE:3:49 pm
If you watch the last meeting you can see it happening already.

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to step on anyone's civil liberties," Forman said. "But if a thousand people want to stand in front of the dump for a vigil, we need something in place to make sure the township is protected if someone gets hurt."

Give me a break! The only harm that could come to 1,000 people gathering at the dump would be Glen Forman mowing them down in his pickup.

Anonymous said...

Imagination + free speech + evil and no good will = GADFLY and a free trip to hell. (larrys waiting)

Anonymous said...

Is that why Chasey and Forman are so intent at stopping free speech in Mullica, to save us all from going to hell? How altruistic of them.

Anonymous said...

"Oh my god!" We need an exorcist!

Anonymous said...

Re 9:17am
Damn! We just missed him! An exorcist was just at Kerri-Brook Caterers in Hammonton on 5/16. 600 people showed up to hear him speak. I wonder how much he would charge for 2 1/2 exorcisms? The majority of the town's problems would just disappear. Let's start passing the basket around. It will be cheaper then all the lawsuits the town might face in the future.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:47 pm
Your sentence structure is all wrong. It should be:
Imagination + free speech =Gadfly.
Evil and no good will =a free trip to Hell.
(Larry is waiting for the triumph of truth and justice)

Anonymous said...

Do you remember stories from the Bible about how all the Officials felt that J.C. was a threat to their power and hated him. They said he was sent from Satan. Centuries later, we still have people in office who will say anything to make their opposers out to be liars or loonies.
When that doesn't stop the people from listening, the Officials make laws to block their opposers from speaking.
The final step to stop free speech centuries ago was torture and crucifixion.

Anonymous said...

There were times that Larry did things that were for the benefit of the community and the little guy. He also at times did apologize when he was wrong and/or offended someone when he shouldnt have. There is one committeeperson who has never admitted nor ever will they did wrong. This same person lied and will continue to lie about every issue.Their rationale is "everybody lies".Finally, Larry would never have went into their homes if they died .
This same person can't honestly say they did any one bit of good with all the years they had the power to make Mullica a better place. Instead they used their power and continue to cause nothing but strife and anger in the community. You still have time and the opportunity to make amends and turn your life around please do. You;ll probably instead respond to this with another nasty blog and will continue to hurt folks . Listen carefully to the Sermon on the Mount next time your lectern gives it and you'll then understand what it means to be good.Let go of the hate and anger .

Anonymous said...

Re: 12:10 PM, Just out of curiosity, why 2 1/2 exorcisms? Who only needs 1/2 an exorcism?

Anonymous said...

Re 1:26pm
The sad part is that in many parts of the world today,people are still being tortured and murdered because they speak out against corruption in their governments.
That is why we have laws to protect our freedoms here in America.
If Chasey and Forman stopped thinking about Mullica as a third world country in which they are the ruling dictators,maybe the Gadfly could become a happy,pleasant community news site .

Anonymous said...

Re 5:37 pm
The 1/2 exorcism would go to the flunky with 1/2 of a brain. The other part was smacked to pieces years ago by his mother.
He was probably given a demon-in-training and it should be easy to get rid of that one quickly. He might not even need an exorcism.
When the Dems. get control of the committee and the real evil is removed,I bet that little trainee demon will leave on it's own and the brain that's left will start to remember what his mama told him.

Anonymous said...

Back at ya 5:11

Anonymous said...

Good thing Ms. Forman did not make the meeting that night, so it was defeated. Will it be introduced?