Friday, May 08, 2009

In Memory Of Larry Angel-5/08/2008

One year ago today, Larry Angel passed away, he is gone, but surely not forgotten. In remembrance of Larry, The Gadfly will observe 24 hours of silence-postings and comments can be left, but will not be posted until after 12:01 AM Saturday.

Death is not the end
Death can never be the end.
Death is the road.
Life is the traveler.
The Soul is the Guide
Our mind thinks of death.
Our heart thinks of life
Our soul thinks of Immortality.


larry peace march


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe a year has gone by. Larry Angel wasn't perfect, but he tried, in his own way to keep an eye on Mullica's officials for the benefit of Mullica's residents. He called out those who did wrong and tried to inform the public. He didn't always have the story 100% right, but he was right a lot more often than not. When, after your death, a prominent public official says that "her life will be easier" now that he's gone, it shows that his rants and investigations were in some way effective.

Thank you for keeping his site alive.

Anonymous said...

Larry has left his body but his spirit is still alive in Mullica. Everytime I come to this site, I can see that he's inspiring people,one by one,to carry on his fight for honesty,ethics,equality and openness in government.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I read something in the Press or elsewhere about Mullica,the first thought I get is "What would Larry have to say about that?" He put the spotlight on everything that was wrong with our town.
I'm so glad that the people of this community have picked up his torch and are continuing his unfinished work.

Anonymous said...

Larry's memorial card said something so true.
"How lucky we are to have known someone it's so hard to say good-bye to".

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get the feeling that the contentious "Angel" put up such a fight with St."the gatekeeper"Peter,that he was allowed to come back to Mullica until he was ready to move on to the otherside.

Anonymous said...

Although no one could ever take Larry's place, I'm thankful that his blog site went on. It is very interesting to read what other people are thinking about the issues in Mullica.
There is a need in this town to have watchful eyes and ears open because of all the things going on. Thank you, Gadfly for giving us a voice and allowing us to give our opinions without the fear of the harrassment and threats that Larry had to endure.

Anonymous said...

I only hope that someday Mullica will become the place that Larry thought it could be. It's sad to look back at all the things he had to suffer through just because he had the courage to voice his opinion and take action against the corrupt and dishonest officials in the town.

Larry's gone but his dream for Mullica lives on in the hearts and minds of the people he reached with his words.

Anonymous said...

Although I am sorry for Larry's passing, I do believe that you border on the ridiculous with the praise, and he was alot more wrong than right, and there are facts on that. He was NOT the voice of the majority, and caused a lot of harm as a self imposed "righter of what he thought was wrong". May he rest in peace, wherever , (whatever, whoever he worshiped) decided to send him.

Anonymous said...

Larry was hated by those in power because he continued called them out on their hypocrisy and made trouble for them for their rewarding of their families and friends, for their repeatedly screwing the public and for their selective enforcement of the municipal code to harass and stifle their opposition.
His archives are his legacy so today we don't have to make the same mistake over and over again by putting these same disreputable people back into office. Whether or not the voters will heed his hard investigative work and sage observations still remains to be seen, however.

Anonymous said...

Its almost surreal that he left us not long after his old adversary Larry Wimberg also was called home.
One tends to wonder if things would have been different if he had taken a slower approach to life after his heart operation but he didnt and perhaps couldnt. Like him, admire him or hate him no one will argue that he didnt leave his mark and suffered violence at times for his actions.
He left us right after the dump battle ended a battle he fought hard and helped win. He left in a quick way and certainly didnt suffer. There are far worse ways to die we all know.
Your site does well to honor his memory and to keep folks informed. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

RE8:09 AM
Larry was a Deist. That is that he had a belief,purely on rational grounds,in the existence of God without accepting the revelation implied in religious dogma.
I agree with you that he was a "righter of wrongs". If he ever put up information that was shown to him to be wrong, he would correct his blog with the facts.

Maybe you and others didn't share his opinions on political matters but he put his thoughts down and was willing to listen to other sides and print opposing views.
He didn't believe in censorship and I can agree that alot of his descriptive adjectives were offensive to many people.

But I think the majority of Mullicans did agree with his fight to expose the corruptness of our government. How many of the average citizens here would agree with misuse of taxpaper money,embezzlement,dumping of toxic waste,selective enforcement,harassment,zoning violations,wetland building, fraud,destruction of public records,cronyism,nepotism,public lying and deception by officials,etc.,etc.etc.
He was our voice and advocate against people in office right now and one who wants to return.
Wherever Larry is right now,I doubt very highly that he is "resting in peace". I'm sure he would find that extremely dull and boring.

Anonymous said...

re: 9:56 PM

Well said.

Larry was Larry, he was who he was, like him or not. I didn't agree with the name calling, the posting of private citizens sordid gossip people wrote in for the sake of just being mean, but when he said it was an open forum, it was an open forum. When I read something I didn't like, I stopped reading it.

Like any human, he was not perfect, but he put himself out there. He was eccentric, over the top at times, but his heart was in the right place when it came to human rights issues and the accountability for actions of himself and others. He didn't pretend to be anything other then himself.

Anonymous said...

re 8:09 am

you must be one of the people that larry tried to warn us about, thats why you feel the way you do, aka janet, kathy, bill, tom s. etc, etc. i'm sure all your lifes are easier now. but every dog has its day and im sure the good lord will do his part to help mullica out someday. enjoy it while you can. R.I.P. LARRY

Anonymous said...

Larry gave this community the gift of his passion, his time, and his committment to justice. That is more than most have given this town. Many seem more concerned with getting what they can for themselves and their friends (Cathy, Janet, Bill, Bruce Crowe among them). Larry was concerned with seeing that justice was done, no matter the cost to himself. The cost at times was high and yet that did not discourage him from his work. He has earned my respect and appreciation. Thank you for keeping his blog going in his memory.