Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Keep Mullica Green has a posting on the Special Budget Meeting held yesterday. According to KMG, Chasey was not as concerned about taxpayers as she would lead you to believe. For the full story, click here.


Anonymous said...

It was clear that Chasey had lied when she stated that she had seriously brought up the issue of furloughs. But this is normal for her.

Anonymous said...

Chasey was so used to having her way and not being opposed by the previous Republican Committees, she thinks she can say or do anything she wants. I'm so glad that people are coming forward to challenge the statements that she makes.
It really bothers me when she cuts off the Attorney and gives HER own answers about the laws.
It is so weird to watch her go into long monologues. With her long hair and shut eyes,she looks like she belongs on some supernatural TV show channeling spirits.
Just watch. She keeps her eyes closed,swings her head or keeps it downward while she's speaking to people. Very strange.

Anonymous said...

Mr. St. Amour, you are more absurd than before with your statements on green and affordable, then ever before. Let me expand on that, you are an out and out liar. Did you make any of these statements in public? No, I don't think so. Only on your little liar website. Listen little George Costanza, what you think you shoud have said doesn't count. Everybody's wrong but you and Grabner.You are not good for our town or our dedicated empolyees. Get over it boys, you messed up again.

Anonymous said...

I would think that writing a statement for the KMG website is making a very public statement.
It looks like the KMG guys are really getting on your nerves. It's obvious that everything they're saying is true. We all saw this coming with the last couple meetings. Chasey was lying and got her "somethings" caught in the wringer.

Anonymous said...

RE: 6:23 PM poster - Aren't these meetings taped? If they are, then there should be a public record to back up the claims by Keep Mullica Green. Unless, of course, something were to inadvertently happen to the recording...

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:23 poster, a.k.a. Linda Lovelace, a.k.a. Mayor:

Thank you for re-introducing name calling to The Gadfly. While I don't miss the foul language, I do from time to time miss the entertaining names assigned to public officials.

Aside from George Constanza, it would seem that we have a committee full of TV stars...let's see:

Bill "Captain Kangaroo" Kennedy; Cathy "Roseanne" Chasey; and Janet "Arnold the Pig" Forman.

Still thinking of one for Bernie Graebener...any ideas?

Anonymous said...

6:42 Like I said, statements made ONLY on their little liar website, after they could run home and get permission from their wives on what to say. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Mullica news is taping the meetings. We need a public record of everything that goes on with these people. It's a lot harder to deny something when you're filmed saying it.

Anonymous said...

Is anybody taking bets that Graebener will be questioning the way the budget meeting minutes are written up again?
I think just writing down the facts in an unbias,non-partisan way would be appropriate and alot less work then redoing all the minutes. Chasey said she seriously wanted to discuss furloughs and she got put on the spot to back up her statement.
RE 6:23 pm
Graebener and St.Amour are working their butts off trying to warn us about the dangers of using the reserves and how a lower increase this year could have a snowball effect in the future like in other towns. They are trying to make sure we are able to KEEP all our dedicated employees in the coming years.
Chasey's just worried about looking good with a lower rate during an election year and Forman won't even be on the committee next year so she won't have to deal with the mess she's leaving us in.