Thursday, May 07, 2009


Keep Mullica Green did another posting this AM regarding how the elected Republican committee members approved a tax increase by 2.5% for residents of Mullica, against the will of the voters by approving the GEHR budget. This goes into further detail than the Press of Atlantic City article in today's paper and once again, is on public record. These aren't lies, they are FACTS.

You can read the rest of the story by clicking this link.


Anonymous said...

Word of advice: If you're going to approve the budget before you discuss it, don't be so blatant about it and write the resolution after the sham meeting takes place.

Anonymous said...

Watch Foreman cry crocodile tears at the next town meeting as she laments how much taxes are going up.

Anonymous said...

Let's not kid ourselves...Forman is all too happy to "Crowe" about how much money she has and how many things she has accumulated. To think that she could possibly understand the plight of many of Mullica's taxpayers is silly...and for her to ACT like she understands is EVEN MORE SILLY! Luckily, she'll be gone next year. The only way things will improve, however, is to sweep Chasey out with her...but then who will tell Kennedy how to vote?

Anonymous said...

KMG's first sentence is a fact.
"Outright contempt and disrespect for Mullica's voters was on display at Tuesday afternoon's special budget meeting."
This statement could easily apply to the regular town meetings.
Chasey has no regard for the concerns of the majority of citizens who voted in the last two committee races.
Now she has rejected the "no" vote on the school budget without ANY effort to represent our wishes.
This arrogant,self-serving,tax collecting dictator must be removed from office.

Anonymous said...

I can see Chasey's strategy now that her moves are being exposed.
Just throw the blame on somebody else. Blame JIF for the freedom of speech issues,blame the assessor for the low land prices,blame the CFO for the school budget being the most recent issue.
The most repugnant and vile blame went to a non-existant dog as an excuse to send Kennedy to illegally enter and search a dead enemy's home to see what could be recovered.
Just this one thing alone showed me that Chasey has the ethics of a scorpion.

Anonymous said...

10% of the population votes NO and Cathy, Janet and Bill decide what the hell, let's ignore them and raise taxes even higher. They also decide to ignore any suggestions or points made by Graebener and St Amour, before the comments and suggestions are made. Sick, sick, sick people.

Anonymous said...

So, did your wife tell you what to write? We are STILL laughing at you, and even more since your "AKA" posting! You guys are a sick joke, and everyone knows it!

Anonymous said...

11:58 AM Post
The Chief will continue to tell Kennedy what to think.

Anonymous said...

This only goes to prove that Chassey, Forman and Kennedy are a disgrace to the Republican Party and the citizens of Mullica Township. They DO NOT represent us, only their own pockets. I am waiting to see when the State will issue the indictments. I know the County will not because the County Prosecuter is a Republican and will neither investigate nor indict any Republican. Why else would Kennedy change party's. Think about it. When was the last time the Republicans on council passed anything GOOD for Mullica Township? If Crowe gets elected, than we will have the Chief and Gary fighting over who is boss. You better believe that the occupants of the "homes" will be told how to vote and nobody will stop that. Mullica corruption is really unbelievable.