Thursday, May 14, 2009

5/12/2009 Committee Meeting Now Up

The May 12th Township Committee Meeting is now available for viewing on Mullica News.


Anonymous said...

I watched the committee meeting last night and felt I needed to comment. I am sorry to have to say this, but JOANN, SHUT UP! I don't know if you are trying to be the next Larry Angel or what (maybe you just like hearing yourself on the video), but it is wrong for you to tie up the meeting for all of that time with your questions, inane comments and criticism. Arrange to meet with the CFO to go over the budget on a one on one basis rather than tying up the committee for all of that time.

On another note, the discussion of waiving the usage fee for the rec fields just went on forever. I don't get it. The solicitor (Mrs. Cody) tells the committee members that they shouldn't waive the fee, and then I hear this man's voice telling them it is okay. I guess that was Mr. Cody, but that is just wrong in my estimation. If his is the advice that you are going to take then fire her and hire him. I am surprised that someone didn't just volunteer to donate the $100 just to end this long, boring, stupid argument.

I think in the future that I will forego watching these videos and just look for a succinct summary on Gadfly.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video too and although I agree that the meeting went on for some time about certain issues, in some cases perhaps too long, I think that's part of what an open government is about. Would you prefer that everything be discussed and decided behind closed doors before the meeting and just voted on without any public deliberation? That's how things used to be done when everyone on committee just toed the party line and voted in unison and the public was left in the dark.
Again, Mrs. Vitale went on for some time too but you know what? She asked some important questions about the budget that the Committee should have answered at other meetings. There's nothing wrong with asking our elected officials for information concerning the budget. That's part of the process. Since there was only one resident asking questions, I don't think that the amount of time she used was such a big deal.
Regarding Mr. and Mrs. Cody, I agree that it is disconcerting to have two attorneys seemingly giving the committee conflicting advice. But that can work out pretty well. If the committee doesn't like the advice of one, the other one can then jump in and offer a conflicting view for the committee to consider.

JoAnn said...

RE 8:28 AM
I'm sorry that you found the 5/12/09 meeting so boring. I attended the 3 budget meetings that were not taped for the public. I was trying to bring the main points of discussion out at the budget hearing meeting so the people would have an idea of the basic costs and future expenses of the town.
It seems I'm criticized when I say nothing and then criticized if I speak. At least I show up for the meetings and try to find out the truth first hand about what's really going on.
The questions I asked cleared up a few things that people were wondering about and Dawn and the Committee did a great job with their answers.
I could never even dream of being like Larry. He enjoyed going to all these meetings and he knew so much and spoke so well. I actually hate speaking in public and always wait until the last person has spoken before I get up. I'm always hoping that someone else will stand up and ask questions or make comments.
People have alot to say here but they just don't make the time or effort to put their feelings on record or ask the Officials their questions.
In the future I will try to take less time with my questions but please continue to watch the meetings. You can only judge the truth by what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears.

Anonymous said...

I found out about things that I had no idea about. I'm glad that the fire dept. funding question that was posted here got an answer.
At least when all these other issues come up in the future it won't be a total surprise to me. I think Mullica news is doing a great service for this town by keeping a record of these meetings.

Anonymous said...

Keep doing what you're doing and that is to ask those questions. Politicians do a much better job and do a lot less of the corrupt/careless stuff if they know they are going to be asked beforehand. No one wants to be embarrassed particulary in public and if they have some feeling of importance and pride. Every community needs a watchdog group like Gadfly , Millville First and others. You're actually doing both the town a favor and the town council . The questions keep them from getting slipshod and also if they do provide the answers and facts it helps convince the public they are doing they're best on the various issues..

Anonymous said...

If Chasey and her underlings have their way, speaking at town meetings will be the last vestige of free speech in Mullica.