Sunday, April 26, 2009


Mullica Township is considering selling three under-sized lots in Elwood as building lots. Keep Mullica Green sees this as a move by Kathy Chasey and Janet Forman to hoodwink taxpayers. For the full article, click here.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank the "Keep Mullica Green" team for keeping us informed.
They have first hand knowledge of what's happening in this town and their articles give credence to the anonymous posts that have been written here on this subject.

Anonymous said...

Trees are not the problem; greed is.

Anonymous said...

This is part of Kathy's and Janet's scheme, with the gullible support of their lackey Bill, to extend Elwood Village into the FAR zone without having to go about changing Mullica's land development ordinance, just like they plan to do elsewhere in Elwood, once they get their ducks lined up.

Anonymous said...

The word "consider" means to reflect upon carefully;to examine carefully;to deliberate seriously. That doesn't happen on this committee.
Chasey has already decided that she's going push her agenda through regardless of the future tax consequences to this town.
Smoke and mirrors again!

We deserve better than the Dictator, Flunky and Fraud Queen who are squandering OUR hard earned tax dollars and selling off OUR land.

Anonymous said...

I don't know with whom Chasey is trying to curry favor more, the voters or the would-be investor who wants to build the houses. The bigger issue is that selling undersized township lots creates a bad precedence, which will allow others to expect the same accommodations. You can't be for protecting our zoning just some of the time and then still call yourself an advocate for keeping Mullica rural. One's actions speak louder than one's words.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't every town have to have so much low cost housing. Bang theres you anwser let's make those three lots only for low income housing nothing more.

Anonymous said...

The assault on this community doesn't stop. Cathy and Janet seem determined to do what they want, when they want it and do not seem to care about the consequences of their actions. Selling off any land in the forest area is not a good idea. By definition, forest area means trees and wild life and the 25 acre requirement to build tries to protect the forest while allowing for some development. Not only do they want to destroy the forest by increasing development, they are giving the land away at a pittance. Could they be getting a kick back?? What gives???

Anonymous said...

Follow the money. A buildable lot is worth more than $26,000. And why weren't the adjacent property owners offered the chance to buy the land. I thought that was the law. Oh silly me, I forgot we were talking about KFC.

Anonymous said...

Why are we selling the land that belongs to the taxpayers of Mullica at the worse time possible for a decent return on investment? Why sell at all? We would get almost nothing for the properties and yet if we turned around and wanted to purchase the land for preservation, we would have to pay top dollar. So again, why are we even thinking of selling the land?

Anonymous said...

RE 5:52 pm
Because I think they know who wants it at a cheap price and they're not concerned about preservation. They want more houses and more kids in the school system. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Chasey may be the mastermind, and Forman may be the big mouth, but it is still their lackey, the dopey Bill Kennedy, who is allowing the rape and pillaging of Mullica. None of the three has any respect for the community, and Kennedy can't even spell 24th Street.