Monday, April 27, 2009

A New Day For Mullica

Township committee candidates Susan Polk and Anthony Gabris announced the launch of a new website. You can now find updates about their campaign at


Anonymous said...

Great website, great picture! Thank you for running for Mullica!!

Anonymous said...

We are very fortunate to have two upstanding citizens running for office this year.

Anonymous said...

What great candidates we have running this year!
Thank you Sue and Anthony for taking on this challenge.
You both have my total support!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking out my open window and feeling the fresh warm breeze and seeing the green grass and new flowers. I have a renewed sense of hope for the future of Mullica and I believe these two people added to the committee will give us the fresh new start we absolutely need in our community.

Anonymous said...

"A New Day For Mullica"
That's a perfect name for the website. It's full of hope and inspiration. We certainly need a big change in this town.
This is a winning combination!

Anonymous said...

Yes, flowers and tree's and birds and gypsy moths...oops! Minnie Mouse and the uni bomber, perfect together. Get real.

Anonymous said...

Re 9:14 pm
I read about Gabris being an engineer for an aerospace company for 32 years and being in the Coast Guard but somehow I missed the uni bomber qualification.

Ms Polk had the most important job of teaching young minds for 33years in our school system. She is much loved by all her students and their parents.

It really bothers you that these two people are loved and respected in the community,doesn't it?
They earned their good reputation for integity and honesty and they know who they are inside.

You know what you are inside and why you deservedly attained such animosity and distrust from the public.

By the way, the Gypsy Moths would not be a problem if they were taken care of a few years ago. Just another item on the long list of frustrations that this town has had to endure.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the 9:15 pm poster has a bit of a problem. Could it possibly be the Press's own "Linda Lovelace" joining us here? I bet Freud would have alot to say about the choice of that name.
Yes,my dear,we got really tired of hearing the giant sucking sound of our money and land being devoured by such seasoned experts.
It's time for you to realize that a"A NEW DAY FOR MULLICA" is here.
Fresh,new,clean,honest,G-rated with morals and integrity.
Now you can go to your smokey,mirrored back room and lament about all the bad acting,transparent plots and foul displays. GET REAL. You're out of business soon.

Anonymous said...

I am just a realist, your "saviours" may be really "nice" people, but so far I haven't heard anything from them, and lets face it , its the same old poltical jargon from years past, nothing ever gets accomplished. In this case Gabris can extract his revenge for being fired(hense the uni bomber reference)and the other one can sit and smile at everyone.AS to back room smoke and mirrors, amore and grabner have been in the backroom for almost 2 years. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? Nothing but blog and whine. No progress.OK, lets try NICE and Crazy, it 'll be an odd addition to the other two liars amore and grabner

Anonymous said...

So, according to "Deep Throat", here is the Republicans' whispering campaign in a nutshell:
1. Gabris is running for revenge.
2. Polk is a nice person but is ineffectual.
3. Graebener and St. Amour have not accomplished anything.
You won't find any of these allegations being officially put forth by the party because the facts would eventually come out, which would not make the Republicans look very good. But they are good enough to spread amongst their friends, who will vote for them anyway, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

When I began reading the 7:56 AM post, I assumed that the writer was speaking about the Republicans when she said that "nothing ever gets accomplished". How many years have the Republicans been in exclusive power, 12? Its truly time for a new beginning in Mullica.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:56 am
You're right about nothing being accomplished for years and all the old political jargon under the Chasey regime. We have all seen St. Amour and Graebener being blocked and excluded by the KFC cabal. Their only job now seems to be the exposure of their predicament and the explanations of what's really going on.

I guess in your eyes Gabris made a big mistake by not going along with issuing permits to build on wetlands. He'd probably be on the job enjoying 20% raises and a great contract if he did. We can dig deep into that controversy if you really want to go there.
That's where integrity shows up when you lose something because you won't bend your principles under extreme stress.

As you said, Ms Polk is a nice person. She's also extremely intelligent and strong as steel.
She has always achieved her goals in an honest,decent way and never had to become a loud,arrogant,lying bully to get things done.

Anonymous said...

What a refreshing change, with Graebener and St. Amour not participating in any backroom deals, as the 7:56 AM poster seems to admit in her inconsistent rant.

Anonymous said...

Well , what you you say about someone who picks the moniker, Linda Lovelace of the porno film, Deep Throat?? To top it off, she calls Anthony Gabris, the Unibomber? Here, in little Mullica she brings in Linda Lovelace and the Unibomber? What does that say about where her head is at. Most of us struggle to raise our kids, pay our bills, go to work, go to church, and do what we can to help others. Anhtony Gabris and Susan Polk are like me and the others in Mullica, home, family, kids, work and church. That is one of the great things about Mullica. And here is this weird Linda Lovelace with her inappropriate and obscene Unibomber analogy. The woman is pitiful.

Anonymous said...

How sad that both Ms Polk and Mr Garbris are already being bashed but it is sooo typical. Chasy and Foreman have done nothing but try to rape the taxpayer and seek revenge on all who oppose them while rewarding friends and themselves. These bullying and intimidation tactics with all its negativity are going to backfire bigtime because the public has been fed up and now riled up. You can thank Anthony for being a gentleman and not bringing out a lot of the past backroom wheeling and dealing he witnessed . We've had enough. Let the word go out we're taking our town back in November . Good luck to Sue and Anthony who stood up to this corrupt gang.You have a lot of folks behind you . Always remember that in the months to come.

Anonymous said...

10:52 summed it up.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the 1052 post . Yes, I tend to agree but lets also remember not only is the whispering campaign in full swing but free speech will be challenged at the transfer station, irate residents(planted friends) will show up at township meetings angry about "litter" and watch for many signs being "vandalized" and stolen in October. Perhaps this is why a few "loyal" Republican Club members are already planning to vote for Anthony and Sue.

Anonymous said...

Re 2:38 pm
You brought up some interesting questions about someone who would pick the moniker"Linda Lovelace".
You asked "What does that say about where her head is?".HAAAHAAAA.The answer to that will have to stay in our vivid imaginations because it's too graphic to print.
One thing is for sure, Ms Lovelace had no problem getting immediate access to town records to find out who lived on a undersized,pre-existing,non-conforming lot so she could attack the person.
I doubt any normal citizen of this town would have rushed to town hall early in the morning to get this information to make a reply to a Press comment. The vendetta file continues to expand.

Anonymous said...

The 1052 post is correct. In fact one of the Republican candidates is already bragging how the campaign will"cover Ms Polk and Mr Gabris with mud".