Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Subject: Mitt Romney, Civil Rights Proponent: He leads Republican candidates, with 23 million in campaign contributions.

RESPONSE: One suspects that this surprising ability to raise money comes from the fact that Romney was in charge of the Salt Lake Olympics which were in disarray until he took charge...this seems a man with the ability to raise money and get things done. These contacts have apparently served him well. But the GOP is no longer the Party of executive acumen the base that controls and picks Presidential candidates in primaries is made up of bigots and other religious theocratic types.

To win a Republican Primary one must appeal to this ignorant constituency and that explains the flip-flop of Romney who as Governor of moderate to liberal Massachusetts was for civil rights for gays, and choice for women and held other moderate positions that the base of today’s Republican Party oppose. Being a supremely competent bottom line business person holds little attraction to the nut wings that vote in the Republican Primary now a days. In fact being an idiot bumbler ... think BUSH THE LESSER, ... affords one bonafide-ness among the hoi poli who will pick the Republican candidate for the White House again. To paraphrase John Stuart Mills; ALL REPUBLICANS ARE NOT STUPID PEOPLE – BUT ALL STUPID PEOPLE ARE REPUBICANS. Today, that seems less and less true...that is one has to really be stupid today, to continue to vote Republicans.

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