Thursday, March 09, 2006

Subject: A Good Fence with an Open Gate Is Stupid: Larry, if memory serves this old mind of mine, you reported some months ago that we spent $11,000 to build a fence around the Road Department storage yard and that seemed to me a sensible expenditure. However, the fact is that the two gates always seem to be left open. Okay, there is a gas pump back there but what is the point of building a fence and leaving the gate open all the time. CE

RESPONSE: There is no sense in this type of behavior. When your question was raised at the last Township meeting by larry THE PEDANTIC MISANTHROPIC S.O.B. angel there was no satisfactory answer offered. One dumb Fire Chief suggested that the Fire Companies needed to get in for gas. HUH? Hopefully, the Fire vehicles would be filled up with gas before a fire, and not have to stop off to get gas on their way to a fire...after a fire...a dollar key would allow them to get into the fenced in area to gas up, one would think ...if the gates were locked to keep equipment safe.

As the norm for THE CORRUPT MULLICA 5 AKA IDIOTS R US is incompetence, there was a lot of stammering. The lame palliative from the Mayor,cathy THE BAG LADY chasey who always seems to run squares around the competition, unbelievably claimed that the expenditure of $11,000 was not meant to fence in and protect Township property, but merely to mark the property line. HUH? The betting here is that our Mayor doesn't have a fat brain and that she is so stupid, mind readers charge her only half price.

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