Thursday, August 29, 2019

NJ "Right to Die" Law Reinstated

An appellate court has reinstated the legislation Gov. Phil Murphy signed in the spring that, he says, will allow terminally ill New Jersey adults to end their lives peacefully, with dignity and at their own discretion.

"The 'safeguarded process' includes a detailed protocol to assist health care providers and patients to ensure that a terminally-ill patient's decision is knowing and voluntary," according to the decision.
"By way of example only, before a patient can receive life-ending medication, he or she must qualify as terminally ill, which is defined in the act to include only adult, New Jersey residents capable and determined to be terminally ill and who have voluntarily asked to receive life-ending medication," according to the decision.
"Further, as the act makes clear, participation by physicians like plaintiff is entirely voluntary," according to the decision. "The only requirement the act imposes on health care providers who, based upon religious or other moral bases, voluntarily decide not to treat a fully-informed, terminally-ill patient interested in ending their lives, is to transfer any medical records to
the new provider selected by the patient.

Entire article at

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