Saturday, August 31, 2019

Largest Delaware Heroin Seizure

WILMINGTON, Del. (CBS) – Federal authorities announced Thursday one of the largest seizures of heroin and fake oxycodone pills in Delaware history. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says authorities seized approximately $1 million worth of the drugs.
The DEA investigation started in Delaware. Prosecutors say 56-year-old Julian Rivera-Villa and 40-year-old Ricardo Perez-Guillen separately sold drugs to a cooperating government witness.
Perez-Guillen was arrested last week after selling a kilogram of heroin and 600 fake oxycodone pills in New Castle.
Rivera-Villa was arrested outside a New Jersey mobile home where investigators found about seven kilograms of heroin; three kilograms of cocaine, 14,000 pills and more than $28,000 in cash. Investigators say they found more heroin hidden in traps in a car.
 Authorities say both suspects are Mexican nationals and were living illegally in Gloucester City, New Jersey.
They could serve up to 20 years in prison if convicted,

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