Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mueller Report Delivered to Attorney General Barr

Washington DC was abuzz all day Friday over Mueller’s impending report.
After nearly two years of investigating President Trump and his associates for so-called ‘Russian collusion’ during the 2016 election, Mueller delivered a report to the Justice Department.

Barr told Congress that Special Counsel Robert Mueller finished his investigation on the Trump-Russia allegations. Barr also told the lawmakers that there will be no more indictments of Trump officials regarding the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.
This news devastated the American left. Rachel Maddow was in tears.

 On Saturday FOX News reporter Bill Henry announced that Attorney General Bill Barr wants to disclose “principled conclusions” of the Mueller Report sometime on Saturday.

Update - Barr's "principled conclusions" will not be released today -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What is collusion?
Here are some examples
 Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, text 
Federal Prosecutors are continuing investigations based on the Mueller Report.

Numerous investigations are ongoing by the Office of the Inspector General and Prosecutor Huber which could reveal the worst crimes ever committed in America by past US Government officials.

Recently revealed other investigations
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Anonymous said...

The Dems are going to be hit by a hammer even Thor can't stop. The next couple of months will bring the end to all the lies & bullshit they have been spewing about Trump. I can't wait for the FISA release,the OIG report,and all of Huber's indictments to become public. The government corruption will be exposed along with the fake,lying main stream media.

Anonymous said...

I hope there is some kind of indictment for that bug eyed Adam Schiff. He's the first politician that I ever wanted to punch in the face. He's a proven lying,leaking piece of slime.