Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Summit in Vietnam

President Trump and Kim Jong Un Meeting

President Trump and North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un sit down for an informal meeting ahead of the official nuclear summit taking place in Hanoi, Vietnam. President Trump told the North Korea leader that he believes progress has been made since their first summit last year. “Some people would like it to go quicker,” said the president. “We’ve made a lot of progress. And I think the biggest progress was our relationship... is really a good one.”

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HANOI, Vietnam – President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un failed to strike a nuclear deal Thursday, abruptly ending their highly promoted summit hours early and leaving the fate of North Korea's nuclear weapons up in the air.
"Sometimes you have to walk," Trump told reporters.
While announcing that the talks had broken off, Trump continued to praise Kim, calling him "quite a guy" and said that there still was a lot of "warmth" in their relationship.
"It was about the sanctions," he said. "We couldn't give up all the sanctions" 
While the Vietnam summit collapsed, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said the U.S. and North Korean negotiating teams "look forward to meeting in the future,"
The stunning announcement came after Trump and Kim tamped down expectations for the two-day summit that played out amid ceremony in Vietnam and political turmoil in the United States.
"We’ll ultimately have a deal," Trump told reporters just a few hours before cutting off talks early, but he added that "doesn’t mean we’re doing it in one day, in one meeting."

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