Tuesday, February 05, 2019

A Broken System

I’ve been shouting from the rooftops about this for over two years now & I feel like a damn broken record. People will say oh if the elites were raping, trafficking & sacrificing children the police would arrest them & they’d be locked up. Um, no. The Deep State has been infiltrating our judicial system and law enforcement with pedophiles and child rapist protectors to protect their child sex trafficking industry for many years. This case is a perfect example of that. President Trump is trying to reverse a system that has been infiltrated and corrupted by thousands of bad actors over many decades. So next time you want to complain at the slow pace of justice, think about that. 

A New Mexico man accused of raping three children in a week and sexually assaulting his own 13-year-old daughter was released on bail twice by the same judge before being arrested a third time on Monday after a statewide manhunt.
Raymond Hernandez, 29, was first taken into custody on January 15 after allegedly raping a teenage girl and beating her friend. Judge Ernest Ortega released him on a $10,000 bond.
Two days later, Hernandez, who was wearing an ankle monitor, was arrested again for allegedly molesting a 19-month toddler who lived in the same house as the teen he was accused of raping.

 Cops brought Hernandez back to court but the same judge released him on $20,000 bail. A few days after posting it, Hernandez allegedly went on to rape a five-year-old girl living next door to his family and then fled.  He was finally arrested Sunday night in Colorado.


Something is very wrong with our system.

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