Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Presidential Address at 9:00 PM

"To every citizen, call Congress, and tell them to finally, after all of these decades, secure our border."

U.S. Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121

A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.


List of phone numbers for US Representatives

[link to www.house.gov (secure)]

U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

2nd Van Drew, Jefferson D (202) 225-6572  (Thank him for not voting for Pelosi)

Pelosi, Nancy D REP (202) 225-4965

Chuck  Schumer D Sen. (202) 224-6542


President Trump is scheduled to speak from the Oval Office at 9 p.m. and deliver remarks expected to last about eight minutes that will be carried live by all the major television networks. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer plan to deliver a brief joint response afterward.

Spectrum has announced a major cable outage across the country just 1 hour before President Donald Trump is supposed to address the nation about the immigration crisis and the need to build the wall. What are the odds? Interesting how the outage is in all major cities and border states.


Power restored for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer response.

Excerpt from official letter to Congress

 In fiscal year (FY) 2018, 17,000 adults at the border with existing criminal records were arrested by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and border agents.
  • In FY2017 and FY2018, ICE officers arrested approximately 235,000 aliens on various criminal charges or convictions within the interior of the United States—including roughly 100,000 for assault, 30,000 for sex crimes, and 4,000 for homicides.
  • We are now averaging 60,000 illegal and inadmissible aliens a month on our Southern Border.
  • Last month alone, more than 20,000 minors were smuggled into the United States.
  • The immigration court backlog is nearly 800,000 cases.
  • There has been a 2,000 percent increase in asylum claims over the last five years, with the largest growth coming from Central America—while around 9 in 10 claims from Central American migrants are ultimately rejected by the immigration courts, the applicant has long since been released into the interior of the United States.
  • In FY2017, roughly 135,000 illegal and inadmissible family units arrived from Central America. Of those, less than 2 percent have been successfully removed from the country due to a shortage of resources and glaring loopholes in our federal laws.
  • So far in FY2019, we have seen a 280 percent increase in family units from FY2018.
  • 300 Americans are killed every week from heroin—90 percent of which floods across our Southern Border.
  • Illegal immigration is a humanitarian crisis: 1 in 3 migrant women is sexually assaulted on the journey northward to the U.S. border; 50 illegal migrants a day are referred for emergency medical care; and CBP rescues 4,300 people a year who are in danger and distress.
Complete letter at


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are the make-up people considered essential federal workers? Schumer and Pelosi look like an Adams Family rerun. Drain the Swamp.

Anonymous said...

I read a Mexican newspaper that said over 11,000 Africans from the Congo have made the trek up from Brazil & are now at the border cities. Plus over 7,000 Haitians are waiting to get into the US. Mexican shelters are over run with the people from Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemalan Caravans and more caravans are being formed. This is a perfect set-up for widespread disease epidemics.

Anonymous said...

nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have nothing but contempt for donald trump and for 2 years have done nothing but try to sabotage and ruin him. Trump cannot allow himself to open government with the promise that the wall will be discussed and hope it gets built. Trump has not gone on vacation while Pelosi was in Hawaii and has called numerous meetings to no avail.While now Pelosi calls wall immoral she has one around her posh private home. While she wants time to examine the proposal she rushed through affordable care w/o reading it Her only real reason is to destroy this man. Menedez and Booker have been just as bad.This is the mob that we had in charge and will likely have in charge again. Pray for this country and this president because we are in serious troubled times.

Anonymous said...

Trump is showing the world, exactly who these people are. He is giving these crooks the opportunity to bring something relevant to the negotiating table, and they refuse to. At any given time, Trump can declare an emergency to get his goals accomplished. He knows it, they know it, the American people know it. The FACT of the matter is, Pelosi and Schumer took an oath of office, to defend our constitution and our country from all enemies; foreign and domestic. Them refusing to defend our country is a disgrace to the office and they should be should be replaced. They are refusing to uphold the oath they took to have the job they have

Anonymous said...

It is my belief that Pelosi and Schumer are betting that some Senate Republicana will cave as they always do while Dems have never broke ranks. If they do it is the end of Trump, the GOP qnd the US as we know it. Hang tough!

Anonymous said...

yeah, I'm sure there are some corrupt Rinos left in the Senate. Dems would never have won the house without the voter fraud, especially in California. Where are the investigations? Pelosi & Schumer did so bad last night that even MSNBC was laughing at them.