Senator Jim Whelan (D) and Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo (D) have gone above-and-beyond for us - AGAIN.
This is how our ACE program was saved 5 years ago when our grant application was initially rejected.
CALL CALL CALL the Director of the Office of Grants Management at the
NJ Dept of Education: Anne Corwell, 609-633-6974 and tell her how much
the program means to you and your family; the positive impact it has had
in our district; the tough financial times our rural district has
experienced; and how a successful 10 year program has positively
impacted our negatively impacted community.
Attached, you will see the actual letter that was sent by Sen. WHelan and Assemblyman Mazzeo to the State.
They have lobbied for us - now it is time to make our collective voices heard!!!
Barbara Rheault
MTEA President
And Mullica Township Resident
Related Post

Attached, you will see the actual letter that was sent by Sen. WHelan and Assemblyman Mazzeo to the State.
They have lobbied for us - now it is time to make our collective voices heard!!!
Barbara Rheault
MTEA President
And Mullica Township Resident
Related Post

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