Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Mullica School Board President taken off Board of Ed by Department of Education

According to an article in today's Press of Atlantic City, Dr. Spiros Malaspina, President of the Mullica Township School Board has been disqualified and taken off of the board as a result of a new state-mandated criminal background check. To read the full article, please click this link.


Anonymous said...

Its hard enough to get good, qualified people to run for school board and to serve without pay for long thankless hours of work and then we humiliate them after all that and wonder why our students aren't learning better, while our school taxes are so high.
Maybe we should just get rid of local school boards and let the state handle it.

Anonymous said...

That's a shame. Dr Malaspina is a fine man and I believe he did a good job. Probably a stupid technicality.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Mullica have a couple of board members decide not to run for reelection last year? Makes you wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the reason why?

Anonymous said...

Board meeting has been changed to 2/13/12 - maybe there will be some questions answered then.

Anonymous said...

Spiros Malaspina is a rare combination of someone who will speak up and ask questions combined with a true dedication to the students of Mullica. Thank you Dr. Malaspina for taking time away from your family to serve your community. You have been a steadying influence.

Anonymous said...

Has the Superintendent shared any information with the staff? From what I've heard, he was a good board member and deserves support from the Superintendent.