Friday, December 02, 2011

Local man missing and police need your help

Police need your help in finding local resident, Joseph Herbert, 64, who has been missing since around noon Wednesday.

Joseph Herbert - Photo from Police Handout

Mr. Herbert has Alzheimer's Disease and was last seen wearing jeans, white sneakers and a black and white flannel jacket. He's often seen walking throughout Mullica Township, specifically Moss Mill Road and generally has a large walking stick with him. Mr. Herbert is around 6 feet tall and weighs about 140 lbs.

Anyone with any information or who might have seen Mr. Herbert after noon on Wednesday is asked to contact the Mullica Police at 561-7600 or 652-2037 (after hours).


Lou said...

You can also call (609)517-6851 this is Joe's sister where he lives. He was last seen walking on RR tracks heading towards Hammonton.

Anonymous said...

There is a Facebook page with updates for those on who use it.

Anonymous said...

10:45 am
Thanks for the info.
I'll be looking for him everywhere I go.