Saturday, November 12, 2011

Missing Planning Board Meeting agenda finally posted on Township Website

The Planning Board meeting agenda for November 2nd was finally put on the website on November 8th, a mere six days AFTER the meeting. Why bother? The real question remains as to why it wasn't put up, but let's let the agenda speak for itself. See the PRESENTATIONS part. It's business as usual for Brown and Company. They are planning to rezone Elwood Village for a private landowner once again at our expense. This makes you think; Why and what is he getting out of it?

NOVEMBER 2, 2011




Mayor Brown, Mr. Gabris, Ms. Mazzarella, Mr. Merlino, Mr. Muller, Ms. Ramer, Mr. Sandman, Mr. Seney, Ms. Nevius, Mr. Smolen, Mr. Muessig, Mr. Hagaman, Mr. Malkin

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October 5, 2011

A. Resolution #7-2011 / Front-Yard Variance / Block 2731,Lot1
B. Resolution #8-2011 / Front-Yard Variance / Block 2731, Lot 1.01


  Pinelands Commission / Susan Grogan, Chief Planner
                                 Clustering Ordinance / Elwood Village Center Extension






Anonymous said...

Secret business as usual for the Republicans! They hide everything from the public until it's just about too late. Chasey and Forman knew about the Garbage Rail Transfer station on Waszen's property for months before it became public. Chasey was trying to rezone Elwood village for years. Now,she is working behind the scenes pulling Brown's strings.

Chasey and Forman will say anything to deny and bury the truth and the past. They failed in their plans then but a new window has opened up for them and the County machine with this last election.

Brown's close ties with the County Republican club,Polistina and the owner of the Devonshire Inn, guarantee that life as we know it here in rural Mullica is about to change.

Anonymous said...

RE: Brown's close ties with the County Republican club,Polistina and the owner of the Devonshire Inn, guarantee that life as we know it here in rural Mullica is about to change.
And, with the results of the recent election, there's nothing that anyone can do bout it.

Anonymous said...

I think that it might be time for Mullica residents to start a "sign campain" such as what occured during the Garbage Rail Transfer Station incident. As a resident of Devonshire, the thought of a halfway house down the road from my neighborhood worries me. The crime potential in our township will definitely escalate. Rezoning Elwood Village will only increse our taxes to build a new school for all our NEW low income home owners. We don't want to expand Egg Harbor City !

Anonymous said...

Its already almost too late for a sign campaign. Its s done deal.

Anonymous said...

The people of Devonshire voted for the halfway house in the election. Why would they oppose it now?

Anonymous said...

re9:34 am
I'm in Elwood. I don't want any rezoning either.
I'm ready at anytime to join a sign campaign,hand out flyers,donate money for advertising and even go door to door if necessary. I know a lot of people who would get involved in this effort.

Anonymous said...

to 9:34 am
I'm going to start spreading the word about this rezoning. This is serious.
I'm thinking of printing cards with the Gadfly and Tax Force addresses to alert people who are sleeping. This will wake the whole town up again.

I wonder if they will hide the Committee meeting agendas from the people next?

Anonymous said...

I live in Devonshire, didn't vote for Hagaman, but now am stuck with the half-way house? This was all done backroom. Did Polk and Gabris know about this?

I am willing to work to keep this out of Mullica. Please keep us posted. We have no other way of knowing what is going on without sites like this one and Mullica Tax Force.

I suggest people call Mayor Brown at 965-3140 and voice their concerns.

Anonymous said...

RE: "We have no other way of knowing what is going on without sites like this one and Mullica Tax Force."
You might want to attend the township meetings if you're really concerned.

Anonymous said...

re 9:30 pm
Good luck with calling Brown. I would bet the farm that he will play up how good the rezoning will be for Mullica. He will tell you there will not be a half way house and rezoning will bring businesses to town which will reduce taxes.

It will all sound good until you realize that after it's done,Brown will say that he has no control over who buys the Devonshire Inn or what his stacked planning board will approve.

Representatives of the half way house have already made presentations to the planning board and the seem to be in a rush for the rezoning.
It's a good bet that Polistina is dusting off his old drawings of the dense row house development that was planned on the Pike.

Chasey's appeal to the Pinelands to allow the rezoning of the village up to the Devonshire Inn has been approved.
They're getting all their ducks in a row.
Be prepared for Brown's sacrifice of Elwood to the money brokers.

Anonymous said...

Go to the archive section on the left side of the home page and click on October,2010.
Scroll down all the way to the last article "Planning Board meeting tonight Oct.6th,7:30pm."

You will find 9 comments about the subject of the half way house. Make sure you click on the blue link in one of the comments that will shows you the legal notice in the Atlantic City Press.
Read all 26 comments under that link.

This last election put the new planning board appointees under the control of Brown,Riffle and Hagaman. Chasey got her long awaited approval from the Pinelands to extend the village up to the Devonshire Inn.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:06, this may help:

Legal Notice from 9/15/2009 from Joseph Bocella (Devonshire Inn) for rehab facility/halfway house

Planning Board post and comments 10/06/2010

The Planning Board voted against allowing a halfway house/rehab facility last year. The question is, how will the Planning Board vote if the same type of application or a request for a variance comes in front of them next year?

Anonymous said...

re 11:00am
You have to alert people to coming trouble and then they will come to meetings.
There used to be standing room only at the meetings with people against the rail transfer station.
Elwood will wake up again when their neighborhood is put on the chopping block.

Anonymous said...

With the results of the current election, nothing politically can now change for another two years, unless there is a recall election effort started to replace Brown and Riffle on committee. Spending one's efforts in putting up no halfway house signs won't do anything. They don't need to listen to you and won't. Elwood/Devonshire will just have a halfway house with no recourse.

Anonymous said...

Very few people in Mullica ever appreciated the monumental time, effort and sacrifice that it took those volunteers within our community to defeat the regional trash transfer station, and the town's subsequent rezoning attempt, from harming our community. We had the town, the county, local unions and other influential people in and out of government in cahoots with one another working against the people of Mullica. Once it was over, the people quickly forgot about the betrayal and went back to their old ways of not voting or paying attention to what's happening in our town. Unlike before, we now have even fewer allies to help us.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the planning board minutes for this year, it looks like only one meeting took place, besides the reorg.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that we have too many willfully ignorant people in this town.

Anonymous said...

re 3:21pm
I know one thing. All the willfully,ignorant republican voters who are laughing with small minded schadenfreude at this election will be burned worse then Elwood.

The majority of the new property and school taxes will come from their wallets. Rezoning might change our wonderful school into a crowded nightmare with drug addicts or criminals luring nearby.
They can thank the republican leadership in this Twp. when they also have to dole out tuition for private schools.
Add the cost of adding security cameras,updating alarm systems and adding more police officers if Pollistina's row houses are built.

Elwood might turn into Hell but Sweetwater,Devonshire,Weekstown and Nesco will pay dearly for their gullibility,stupidity and party line devotion.

Anonymous said...

So I guess we will all sit on our asses and let them get away with this. I live in Devenshire and did not vote for any Republican! If we get people to show up to the next meeting,( if they let us know when it is ?) we can let them know we all don't agree with the rezone.

Anonymous said...

Planning Board meetings are generally held the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm in town hall.

Anonymous said...

Have not seen the Planning Board Meeting date listed yet ?

Anonymous said...

The meeting date is listed correctly on this site, 12/07 at 7:30 p.m., but incorrectly on the township site, as it is listed as a committee meeting at 7:00 p.m.. The committee meetings are always the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Planning is always the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.