Thursday, November 03, 2011

Hidden agenda?

The previous post informed the public of the Planning Board meeting held last night, however, no agenda was posted on the Gadfly. "Why is that?" one might ask? Because for the second month in a row, the agenda has not been available on the website prior to the meeting. How can anyone decide if the meeting might affect them and might want to go? They can't and it has become apparent that's how Mayor Brown rolls. Last month the agenda, which went up the day after the meeting, discussed once again, the extension of Elwood Village. This month, discussion of the extension continued, yet no one who lives near the area of the old Devonshire Inn is even allowed to know. What does this mean? According to the posting on Mullica Tax Force, it's deja vu all over again. Once again, Mullica is probably bailing out yet another out of town property owner (can anyone forget Waszen?) and to the person who asked about the half-way house rumor a few days ago, I think this should answer your question and raise a few more.


Anonymous said...

The Democratic Mayor last year made sure that the agendas were up. Not so, with our new, imperial Republican mayor this year. Hopefully, that will change next year.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:28
That's because the democrats were not trying to hide anything from the people.
They didn't sell off the Twp. land for pennies to friends. They didn't try to stop our freedom of speech and even reversed a republican ordinance which took it away.
They fought against rezoning the village and dense housing development.
They fought against the garbage rail station.
Brown and Riffle are just the puppet version of the Chasey/Forman administrations that caused so much trouble in this town and raised our taxes sky high.
A win for Hagaman will guarantee that Brown changes our landscape forever.
The ironic part of the whole thing is that the average republicans in this town would be paying the most out of their own pockets while the County big wigs celebrate and make back room deals as they pat Brown on the back.

Anonymous said...

Its really sad to see the same issues come up again and again, year after year, election after election, with no final resolution, because of voter ignorance and apathy.

Anonymous said...

RE: 2:45am post
The dems also reversed Chasey's/Forman's last minute blatant attempt to pack the 2008 planning board with their own people after the results of the 2007 election were known, by their vote to delay the swearing in of the new 2008 committee until after the new planning board would already be sworn in.

Regrettably, there were people in our community who willingly went along with this tactic and accepted the underhanded planning board appointments, which were immediately reversed after the 2008 committee took office.

Brown continues to play this same political game by taking the cue from Chasey and Forman, who now tried to postpone the appointment of Graebener to replace Kennedy on committee and who tried to put off the selection of Cappcucchio for municipal judge to replace Broome, who had resigned.

Anonymous said...

The average republican can afford the tax increases, although they don't like paying them. They'll pay up without complaint if it means keeping the democrats out of office, who they think have horns.

Anonymous said...

Re 2:45 AM
I really think the ironic part is that in the last 10 years we have had a tax increase of 73% with Forman & Chasey being responsible for the bulk of it.
According to Tax Force figures:
Just local rates
13.0% 2002
11.2% 2003
11.2% 2004
5.1% 2005
3.8% 2006
2.2% 2007(Rep.campaign year with competition)

2010 was the only year that we had a true Democratic majority and taxes were raised only 1.7% only because Republican Gov. Christe cut municipal funding to the bone.

Back to the ironic part. Janet Forman had the nerve to complain about her taxes!

Go ahead,stupid people. Vote Republican again and you will get rezoning,development which leads to MORE taxes and congestion. Loss of our township land to a favored few and a red carpet laid out for Brown's County cronies to walk in and dump their unwanted messes on the Pike.

This is the year that could change our neighborhoods and destroy our environment forever. There will be no turning back.

Is party line so much more important than your home and wallet????

Anonymous said...

Janet Forman was so unfit to serve on committee that it still amazes me that the voters re-elected her and that she served as our mayor. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Anonymous said...

Re 4:47 PM
Nothing amazes me in this town anymore.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Hagaman is such a nice person. He is very likable.

Anonymous said...

Re: 4:40 PM. You are right, Ed is a nice guy, however people should vote on who would be best for the job of committee person for all the people and not because someone is a nice guy. That isn't a good criteria for electing an official who will be in office for three years handling Township business. There are lots of nice people in Mullica, but I wouldn't trust them to make decisions that are crucial to the Township.

I have read several of Bernie Grabeners fliers I received at the dump and his "No Tax Increase" platform means something to me. As for Ed Hagaman, all he has said so far is a repeat of Jim Brown and Larry Riffle's campaign literature from last year. Does he have any thoughts of his own? Ideas to share? What is he bringing to the table? With election day Tuesday, I am voting for who is looking out for me, as a taxpayer and not who I feel is the nicest of the two candidates.

This is the type of statement that aggravates those who pay attention to what is going on in town, have you been paying attention and if so, please share with us what Ed's platform is.

Anonymous said...

"Nice guys" are not effectual because they want to please everyone and wind up pleasing no one.