Monday, October 31, 2011

Get Out And Vote For Bernie Graebener

Talk to your friends and neighbors about the upcoming election to our township committee.

If you don't want Republican rule to decide the fate of our township, and continue to raise our taxes - while they cuddle up to the people who could give a darn about our beautiful environment, then we have to get out and vote Democrat.

The last election (as well as the previous one) clearly illustrated that the Republican voters get out and vote. The only way we can defeat their numbers is to spread the word to vote for Bernie, our independence and self respect.

All those here in Mullica who voted Republican or who stayed home the last time, cost our committee the loss of two men who are dedicated to ALL of the people of Mullica. We have one of them back on committee now, but could lose that voting edge again if people don't get out and vote to win the election for Bernie Graebener.

Why does anyone vote to increase their taxes, and allow outsiders to whisper into the ears of OUR representatives - cajoling them into doing the bidding of those who only want to use us for profit?


Anonymous said...

Ten to one if the Republicans regain the majority next year, Mullica will get that "halfway" house that's in the works in the "new village area", just that they no longer will have to have the pretext that the inmates will be learning "forestry" to justify it. The new committee will say "we never could have predicted this". Our taxes will go up, again, and the joke will be on all of us.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me why an active union man like Hagaman is running as a Republican? The only explanation that I can come up with is that he wants Mullica to devolve into another Galloway or EHT, at least in that part of the township where he doesn't live, meaning construction jobs for himself and his buddies.

Anonymous said...

Republicanism and union membership are mutually exclusive. Maybe Mr. Hegaman can give us some insight as to his position on the issues involving this town.

Anonymous said...

According to the Press article on Sept 29th, Hagaman is quoted as saying: "'I've always been looking for opportunities'" and "he wants to maintain the outdoor freedoms that he enjoys."