Thursday, January 02, 2020

GUN OWNERS - A must watch video -Va. is the Begining

Virginia is the flashpoint that could effect other blue states very quickly.  The Governor is even threatening to bring in the National Guard to confiscate weapons if local police refuse to follow the new proposed state laws which are anti-constitutional. Almost every county in Virginia has declared themselves a 2nd amendment sanctuary in defiance of the state government.

See ad for UN careers as a Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Officer stationed in NY at1 :53 to 3:00 mins.

Ads can be skipped by clicking on little box on the bottom right.
Steve Huff begins at 4:08 mins

Gun rights supporters flood meeting

Guns and Ammo flying off the selves in Va.

 Democrats have long wanted to take away guns from Americans, and two candidates for president are making no bones about their plans.
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who has a mini-army of bodyguards around him whenever he moves, says guns aren’t for “average” people.

 Meanwhile, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, also running for the 2020 Democratic nomination, said she would not support concealed carry laws that allow those “average” Americans to carry weapons.

They’re coming for your guns.
“You just do not want the average American carrying a gun in a crowded place,” the former

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Only "average" criminals are allowed to conceal/carry. Makes the job much easier against unarmed "dangerous Americans" trying to protect their family and belongings.
