Tuesday, May 14, 2019

HUD Housing Only for US Citizens


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a new rule to ensure that the four million people in need of public housing and house choice vouchers can be moved off of years-long waiting lists by enforcing federal law that requires the government to only give assistance to U.S. citizens.


Citing a HUD analysis of the rule, which was done by career staff and not Trump administration officials, the Washington Post reported that as many as 55,000 children in households with family members who are in the country illegally could face “eviction” and “homelessness.” 

The Post reported:
Approximately 25,000 households, representing about 108,000 people, now living in subsidized housing have at least one ineligible member, according to the HUD analysis.
Among these mixed-status households, 70 percent, or 76,000 people, are legally eligible for benefits — of whom 55,000 are children, HUD says. The vast majority live in California, Texas and New York.
But the Post fails to cite the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980, that, according to Section 214, HUD is “prohibited from granting financial assistance to persons other than United States citizens, nationals, or certain categories of eligible non-citizens.”

Entire article at

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs


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Anonymous said...

It's been too long since we had an Administration that puts US citizens first. These illegal people should not even be in our country and they are draining us with welfare for housing, food, free medical, free education, and causing all kinds of crime and murders. The democrats want open borders and to get rid of ICE and want the illegals transported all over the US. They don't want anymore in their "Sanctuary Cities" which are filled with tents, street mattresses, needles all over the streets and human feces spread all over. The list of diseases they are carrying keeps growing.
2 out of 3 women are raped in these caravans and the rapists are entering in US. Children are being raped, murdered and trafficked. Drugs are pouring across the border.

Countless news stories are out about US citizens being killed, raped, beaten, & robbed by an illegal yet the Dems want more in the country and want to take away our guns for self defense. It doesn't make sense unless they are trying to destroy this country and our way of life.
In 1/2 hour the Dems could work with Trump to change the laws but they refuse. They are blocking wall funding. All the holding shelters in the US are full and Mexico is in a crisis trying to deal with all the held immigrants in their country.
"Catch & Release" law is allowing 100's of thousands of these people to be bused throughout our country right now. Where are they going with no money? More welfare, crime and disease is being spread everyday.

Anonymous said...

I used to be an old fashioned Democrat. NEVER again. The Democratic Party has been taken over by crazy liberal progressive globalists who are out to destroy this country. The only hope this country has right now is to get rid of the electronic voting machines, have paper ballot backup, real voter ID, purging of the voter rolls of illegals and dead people and mass voter turnout for the Republican candidates on all levels starting with local elections

Anonymous said...

Absentee ballots need to be looked into. The House was lost when California was allowed to collect absentee ballots for a week after the election was over. They knew just how many votes they needed to win a congressional seat and went house to house collecting ballots. Some people reported that they were paid just to sign a blank ballot. There are reports in many states that boxes of ballots showed up with only the congressional candidate marked off. Of course,all of the hundreds of ballots per box were all for the Democrat.

Anonymous said...

The first poster spoke about the Dems trying to strip the 2nd amendment and take the guns away from law abiding citizens. That's what happened in Venezuela under Maduro and now the people are fighting the government with rocks. Australia took the guns away and now there is more crime then ever. England has a gun ban and now there are areas even the police can't enter because of the danger in no-go zones of immigrants and London even put out a knife ban now.

Since 2009, 92% of mass shootings in America have occurred in Gun Free Zones. Are any liberals putting "gun free zone" signs in front of their homes? Most of these politicians pushing gun control have permits to carry, armed security guards and high walls around their homes.
Yet our children's schools and churches are "Gun Free Zones" making them perfect targets for random nuts. Take down the signs, put armed guards in the schools and churches. Arm every teacher who qualifies to carry and you'll see a quick stop to the shooting attempts.
Oh,and guess who introduced the "Gun Free School Act" in 1990. None other than Joe Biden